The Colorado Trail “End to End” Guide

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About The Colorado Trail and the “End to End” Guide

Note: This guide has been, and always will be, free. I’ve been asked why I don’t charge for it.  Why? Because this guide is a labor of love and I enjoy giving back. However,  if you like this guide and find it useful, consider donating to The Colorado Trail Foundation. They do astounding work maintaining, protecting and promoting the trail. If you can hike a 500-mile long trail, you can also donate a few bucks to a great group. 

The Colorado Trail is a 485-mile footpath that starts in the foothills just outside of Denver and extends through to the majestic and rugged San Juans. In between those two points are sweeping views, gorgeous wildflowers and an experience in the mountains you will not forget.

While this handout will help you prepare for the basics on a journey of this trail, it is not the only item you need for information to complete The Colorado Trail. As always, you should consult with other resources before heading out on an extended trek in the mountains.

Revised June 2022

The Colorado Trail at Glance

Want to know the major details about The Colorado Trail?.  Here are the particulars in a nutshell:

  • The official length of the trail is 486.4 miles
  • Northeastern terminus just outside of Denver in Waterton Canyon State Park
  • Southwestern terminus just outside of Durango, CO
  • Highest official point is 13240 ft
  • Lowest point is 5520 ft
  • According to the latest figures, The Colorado Trail averages 10347′ throughout its length!
  • The CDT and The Colorado Trail share the same treadway for 234  miles; over 300 if you take the Collegiate West option.
  • It takes most hikers 4-6 weeks to hike the trail.
  • Five weeks is a very average pace.
  • Well marked and easy to follow
  • Horses and mountain bikers (in non-wilderness areas) are also allowed in addition to hikers
  • Alternate routes for mountain bikers

The Colorado Trail map from The Colorado Trail Foundation.

The window for hiking The Colorado Trail is relatively narrow. Generally speaking, the window for hiking the CT is no earlier than mid-late June (depending on snowpack) and ending no later than late September/ early October. Before mid-late June there is generally too much snow in the high country even in a lower snow year; after late September/early October there is a very great chance there will be a snowstorm where the snow will accumulate and not melt the following day.  

For the increasing amount of people hiking the Colorado Trail from out-of-state, July 1st or later is a safe date to plan in advance for a start.  I would not count on mid-late June and earlier.  For more information, see what Bill Manning, Executive Director of The Colorado Trail Foundation, wrote. 

Here’s a very detailed and statistic-based Colorado Trail “Class of 2016” post.  The post has some fantastic information that should be read as well.

If you are Denver-bound, the hiking season can be extended about 1 week or so as you will be in the lower elevations at the end of the trail.

This time frame is just a rule of thumb that can change depending upon snowpack, hiking pace, rate of snowmelt, and early winter. The rule of thumb is pretty accurate, however. This link from The Colorado Trail Foundation may be useful as well.   Another very useful site is the SNOTEL snowpack update for Colorado.

Hiking The Colorado Trail During the Summer
Pros Cons
More daylight for hiking More people
Generally warmer weather Lightning danger
Wildflowers are in full bloom May be too much snow in a high snow year, esp. if start in mid-June
Water is flowing well (generally) More insects
Monsoon season in ~mid-July to ~mid-late August. Lots of torrential downpours in the afternoon.


Hiking The Colorado Trail During the Fall
Cool crisp weather Less daylight
Fewer people Always a chance of freak snowstorm
Aspen are changing, gorgeous! In a low snow year water flowing less
Elks bugling Colder at night
Less danger of lightning

(Note: Fall generally comes to The Colorado high country by late August)

Now,  with changing weather patterns, the above rules of thumb are getting skewed. Not uncommon to have 90+ F days in the foothills with frequent afternoon t-storms as well in September.  Very unusual and, if the hot and dry patterns hold going forward in the years ahead, hard to tell what is in store!  The monsoon season may be off or even short as in recent years, possibly even more wildfires, and a prolonged fall/later winter. We’ll see what Ma Nature does.  That’s about all we can do. 🙂

General Safety

The trail itself:  The Colorado Trail is very well-marked for a western trail. Navigation is easy, the weather hazards (see below) are quickly dealt with with some prior planning and the trail is logistically easy. A great trail for a first long hike and/or to get a western trail experience!  For recent updates on the trail itself, be sure to check out The CTF webpage with current trail conditions.

Hiking solo:  Enough people are hiking The Colorado Trail, especially in July and August, it will be very easy to hike with others if so desired. There is a community on the trail and in towns. You will see fellow CT travelers along the way. If you absolutely want a solo experience, hiking towards fall would be best.

Hitching: Hitching into town to resupply is usually needed. Along the CT corridor, locals are very used to CT hikers, and obtaining a ride is usually not an issue. If you do not feel comfortable solo hitchhiking, and don’t have a formal partner, you can usually partner up with someone as the town gets closer. Also, ask at the trailhead for a ride usually works too. It should be noted that more local businesses in towns are offering shuttle options, too.

Mobile device coverage:  For the stretch from Denver to Copper Mountain (with the exception of Lost Creek Wilderness) mobile device coverage can be OK to excellent.  Outside of this segment,  mobile device coverage is spotty.   Obviously, do not depend upon a cell phone for safety.  Even in known good coverage areas, cell phone coverage can be spotty at times. At some high points and near busy roads into town will be best overall regardless of location. This link for cell phone coverage will give more coverage info and for your particular carrier. 

About lightning: Lightning is the fact of nature many CTers have the most concern. During The Colorado summer around mid-July to about mid-Agust, thunderstorms start brewing around 1 or so in the afternoon and go until late afternoon. Almost like clockwork! When planning your mileage for the day, try to keep this fact in mind. Ma Nature doesn’t always stick to this schedule, but she sure is consistent about it for the most part! I’ll typically take a break and then continue on in the later afternoon and take advantage of the later daylight summer hours.

About “Da Bears”: While there are black bears on The Colorado Trail, they are not even as remotely aggressive as their High Sierra cousins. The black bears tend to stick to the valleys and are not habituated to backpackers like their Sierra cousins. A bear canister is an overkill (IMO); standard bear precautions should be plenty. At this time, bear canisters are not required on The Colorado Trail

The exception for bear precautions on The Colorado Trail is new as of August 2016.

Nicely summed up by Jerry Brown of Bear Creek Survey:

Hikers need to be aware that the USFS has just enacted new restrictions regarding food storage which is in effect for San Isabel and Pike National Forests. This affects both the CDT and CT where they cross popular car camping roads. The regulation requires that food be stored in hard canisters or hung 10 feet above ground 4′ from the trunk of the tree. No consideration is given for Ursacks, so I think they will need to be hung within the described zones. The zones are 1/2 mile wide (1/4 mile on each side of the roads.) Roads included are Halfmoon, Winfield, Hancock, Cottonwood, Mt. Princeton/ Chalk Creek, and Buffalo Creek/ Little Scraggy on the CT. These restrictions include portions of both the Collegiate East and West routes for the CT.

For most hikers of The Colorado Trail, the primary place impacted will be the popular USFS Bootleg campground near Princeton Hot Springs. As of Sept 2017, there is a bear box in the camp for food storage.

What about bear spray?

You’ll find that most experienced people in the black bear country say you don’t need it. Myself included.

However, I also recognize this issue can be an emotional one for many people. If you are part of the “better to have it and not need it” crowd, by all means, take it if it makes you feel better. But, and this is a very BIG but, please do the responsible thing and practice using it first.

Cabelas, REI, and similar sell inert training canisters for about $17 each. Get two or three canisters and practice in real conditions holstering and unholstering it with your gear (poles included) and spraying in moderately windy conditions.

LEOs, rangers, game wardens, and even volunteer scientists (like my partner in Glacier) do this very thing in the backcountry as a required part of their training.

If you are going to take a canister into the backcountry without knowing how to use the tool correctly, you are merely giving lip service to safety.

At best, you’ll use the tool ineffectively when it counts. And you may accidentally harm yourself and others because of your lack of responsibility.

Do the right thing; if you take a bear spray canister, practice first.

(* While In-person training is always better for this type of skill, various organizations offer online 1 hr training classes to get you the basics before you practice in the field. )

CORSAR card?: Despite popular misconceptions, the CORSAR (Colorado Outdoor Recreation Search And Rescue)  card is not insurance.  The CORSAR card is essentially a charitable donation to help defray the cost of training and rescues for the hard-working SAR groups in Colorado. No surprise, these SAR groups are very busy in Colorado. A good card to buy to help out a bit.

SOUTHWEST vs. NORTHEAST on The Colorado Trail

Southwest / Durango Bound Starting from Denver eases a hiker into the higher elevations, starts off more gentle, more options to bail out if you need some RnR. You also get to end in the San Juans; a much more scenic ending than Waterton Canyon. Due to the elevation factor, this method is preferred for people from outside of Colorado. Durango has fewer transportation options to get back home vs. Denver.

Northeast / Denver Bound: You do face some of the hardest terrain and higher elevation right away, end in the more subtle Waterton Canyon. The end of the trip will prove to be easy terrain-wise. If you start late in the season, going Denver-bound extends the window of hiking by one week or so to early-mid October depending on that season’s weather conditions. Ending in Denver is also much easier logistically to get back home vs Durango.

Starting in Denver

There are three popular places to start the Colorado Trail from Denver.

The Official Start – Waterton Canyon

Waterton Canyon is the official Denver terminus of The Colorado Trail

Details here….

Waterton Canyon is perhaps the logistically easiest of the three popular starts, is the official trail terminus and allows the CT hiker to ease into the trail gently. Seeing the bighorns at the dam is always a treat, too.

This start does not allow dogs or camping, however. It is also essentially a wide dirt road, and a is a very popular trail running/biking/fishing area so not the most remote feeling start.

The Dog-Friendly Start – Indian Creek Trail

Have a dog and do not want to skip ahead to segment two? You could do this dog-friendly alternate (with somewhat hard logistics).

If you wish to have long-term parking for this alternate, for Denver in general, here’s some info posted online:

If you’re starting at Indian Creek TH, parking in Sedalia might be convenient for you. Maybe phone Sedalia RV Storage (303) 688-3842, owner Jim Sikora, and get a price quote etc. There are many other RV storage places where you might also inquire but some won’t take cars. 

Other people have confirmed that this is a good option. As of 2021, they charge ~$45/mo.

Besides allowing dogs, the alternate start has a campground at the start of the alternate, and camping is allowed along the way.

The Scenic Alternate – Roxborough State Park

Another alternate start could be to take this alternate not far from Waterton Canyon.  Roxborough State Park does not allow camping or dogs but is an interesting and scenic alternative. Take trail #800 to hook on The Colorado Trail again. It hooks up again just after Waterton Canyon at Lenny’s Rest.

Here’s a little report I wrote about it. Makes a nice way to start  The Colorado Trail. (With some caveats: There is an entrance fee, no overnight parking, no camping, no horses, no MTBikes, or dogs)

If you do not find a shuttle (see below), you can get there via these instructions:

Excellent overview of the three alternates via The Colorado Trail Foundation.

Starting from Durango? See below!



The following are good Guidebooks for The Colorado Trail

  • The Colorado Trail: The Official Guidebook, Ninth Edition. By The Colorado Trail Foundation, The book is now available in Kindle format.
    New for the 2016 trail season, this is the most up-to-date, official CT Guidebook.This book covers the entire Colorado Trail, all 567 miles between Denver and Durango, including Segments 1-28 plus CW01-CW05. This is the first edition that covers both the CT Collegiate East and CT Collegiate West. It helps you plan your CT excursions, can guide you on the trail, and is particularly well-suited to have either in an automobile or at home. It is your official resource for hiking, backpacking, horseback riding and bicycling The Colorado Trail.Maps in this guidebook show near-the-trail roads. Travel directions are also provided for each major trail access point. This road coverage is almost essential for the automobile portions of many excursions, including the car trips done by segment travelers and rendezvous between users and support people. 
  • The Colorado Trail: The Trailside Databook, 8th Edition. By The Colorado Trail Foundation The Colorado Trail’s equivalent to the AT databook.  Compact enough for a good-sized cargo pocket.  Ounce for ounce and dollar for dollar, the most valuable guidebook for the CT. Has quick resupply info, alternate routes for mt bikers, and more.
  • Jackie “Yogi” McDonnell now has a Colorado Trail Handbook similar to her PCT and CDT handbooks. More detailed info on pre- trail planning and very detailed information for the towns. Useful if you are new to long distance hiking and need help with what gear to bring, how to do mail drops and so on and/or like more extensive information about towns and resources avail.

The following represent a wide range of map resources for The Colorado Trail.


  • USFS Maps in Guidebook: Some basic maps do come with the guidebook, but they are limited in scope, do not show alternate routes/bailout points and have no topo lines. Some people find them adequate; I do not like using them. YMMV.
  • The Colorado Trail Map Book: A map set available on the The Colorado Trail Foundation website for $40: CT Topo Map Book: Detailed, up-to-date topographic maps and waypoints help you navigate The Colorado Trail and plan your trips. Includes recent trail reroutes in Clear Creek and Cataract Ridge. Soft cover, 8.5″ x 11″ and spiral bound to lay flat for ease of use, it weighs only 14.5 ounces. Can be disassembled allowing users to carry just what they need. (Paper is not waterproof and packing in a Ziploc bag is recommended.) Includes 73 pages of full color, shaded relief topo maps detailing The Colorado Trail and the bicycle detours around Wilderness areas. Magnetic declinations for compass users. Complete printed list of nearly 1200 GPS waypoints in UTM & Lat Long formats. Additional detail is available on 
      • Note: These maps are very detailed, however, they only show the CT corridor. If you want to take alt routes, “bag” some of the more obscure 14ers, or prefer a wider view than just the CT corridor (for bailout points perhaps) you may want to take different maps or the Bear Creek maps with the appropriate sections of the DeLorme Gazetteer for Colorado or the Benchmark Atlas. Taking the narrow corridor maps with the appropriate atlas maps is a strategy many CDT hikers use for their thru-hikes FWIW. The maps are also available in electronic form.
  • Another option is the  MOUNTAIN MAPS – SAWATCH RANGE map that shows alternate routes, 14ers, and bailout points between Leadville and the CDT/CT junction to the south (.  Sections 10-15 in the guidebook.)
  • Trails Illustrated Maps: Very detailed with an excellent overview of not just the trail, but surrounding trails as well. Good if you plan on taking alternate routes and/or doing 14ers. They are water-resistant. Cost ~$13 ea. A  bit heavy. You need fourteen maps to complete the trail, so it can be an expensive option. Being a Colorado resident, already owned many of the maps anyway so it was an option that worked for me. If you do not plan on hiking in Colorado again any time soon, the other map resources are a better investment.
  • New for Summer 2017 is the NatGeo Trails Illustrated maps that cover The Colorado Trail North and The Colorado Trail South.
  • now has a CT Databook and maps available. Postholer also has a neat little , and free, databook app that also has the weather and makes it easy to post journal entries on the Postholer site. For Android only at this time.
  • Erik the Black also has a Colorado Trail Atlas available (maps, town guide and databook for the CT corridor and some alt routes)
  • The Latitude 40 Maps aren’t as detailed as other maps but cover a wider area. Good for on-trail hiking and bail-out points. The new maps for the Collegiates (Buena Vista and Salida)  are confirmed to cover the new Collegiate West route as well.  The Summit County, Salida/BV and Durango maps cover the CT from Kenosha Pass (70 miles) to the end.  Less money than using all TI maps if, again, with less detail.
  • FarOut (Guthook) has a Colorado Trail app for iOS and Android platforms. Maps, trail info, profiles, resupply info as well as info for the Collegiate West option  and mountain bike detours. The app has notes from users about water, campsites, and other info of use to hikers.
  • Gaia GPS features the entire trail via the NatGeo layer.

The guidebook, databook, and map book can be ordered from The Colorado Trail Foundation.  Many bookstores in Colorado have the guidebook and data book. Amazon and other online resources also carry the guidebook.

Trails Illustrated maps can be found at, Amazon, and many local outfitting stores in Colorado. If you decide to use the TI maps, you will need the following to cover the whole trail.

    • #104 Idaho Springs/Loveland Pass
    • #105 Tarryall Mountains/Kenosha Pass
    • #108 Vail/Frisco/Dillon
    • #109 Breckenridge/Tennessee Pass
    • #110 Leadville/Fairplay
    • #126 Holy Cross/Reudi Reservoir
    • #127 Aspen/Independence Pass
    • #129 Buena Vista/Collegiate Peaks
    • #130 Salida/St. Elmo/Shavano Peak
    • #135 Deckers/Rampart Range
    • #139 La Garita/Cochetopa
    • #140 Weminuche Wilderness
    • #141 Silverton/Ouray/Telluride/Lake City
    • #144 Durango/Cortez

Note:  These maps are not in trail order and are listed in the numerical order as put forth by National Geographic/Trails Illustrated. The trail winds in and out of some of these maps and would be cumbersome to list in trail order versus the number order that is more convenient for purchasing. The Colorado Trail guidebook lists the appropriate map to use for each section.

New for summer 2017 is the NatGeo Trails Illustrated maps that over The Colorado Trail North and The Colorado Trail South.  A good compromise between details, an overview beyond the trail corridor, and weight. At ~$30, an affordable alternative as well.

  • GPS WaypointsFor those who wish to enter waypoints for their GPS and do not wish to manually enter them, Bear Creek Survey has their waypoints avail for downloading to your GPS

Not sure what resources to take?  From what I can tell, here are the most popular resources in terms of use:

  • The Colorado Trail Databook is, in my opinion, the most useful purchase in terms of quickness and using less battery.
  • My guide for basic town and mileage info seems to be well used
  • The FarOut Guides (Guthook App) for The Colorado Trail navigation. A smart device has largely replaced a dedicated GPS for consumer-level use. Uses the Bear Creek Maps.
  • Yogi’s Guide for those who want the more detailed town and logistic info. Lots of ideas, tips, and advice from CT hikers if you are new to long-distance hikes, as well.
  • The Colorado Trail Guide for pre-trail planning, trailhead info, and post-trail recollection. Very useful if section hiking as the trailhead directions are very detailed.
  • Bear Creek Maps for those who like print maps or PDFs for their mobile devices.
  • New for Summer 2017 is the NatGeo Trails Illustrated maps that cover The Colorado Trail North and The Colorado Trail South.  A good compromise between details, an overview beyond the trail corridor, and weight. At ~$30, an affordable alternative as well. Note that Gaia GPS app has these maps via their NatGeo layer, too
  • Less used: Other alternate resources for data books, alt routes, or planning

If I personally did the CT again? I’d take the databook,  The Colorado Trail North, and The Colorado Trail South maps, and would have my town info saved to a mobile device. I’m an experienced Colorado hiker so I would not need Yogi’s guide and I feel comfortable enough with the navigation that I would not need the FarOut (Guthook) CT app for that task but could be useful for notes and potential camping spots in addition to trail news.

Permits: No permits are needed to hike The Colorado Trail. In some areas, such as the Holy Cross Wilderness, there is a self-signed permit station when entering the wilderness areas. There is no charge for this permit.

However, starting in the summer of 2020, you’ll need an SWA Pass to traverse segment 12 of the Collegiate East.  “CT Segment 12 travelers will need a valid fishing or hunting license or risk being fined, typically $100, though authorities indicate they’ll get more serious with fines starting in 2021.” Please see the Colorado Trail Foundation blog for updated 2021 details.

Collegiate West Alternate

As of 2013, there is a higher alternate route on The Colorado Trail that takes in the existing Continental Divide National Scenic Trail through the Collegiate Peaks. This route is the same length as the current CT (~80 miles) through this section but offers a higher ridge walk alternative that many people may find interesting. Alpine lakes, ridge walks, and above-treeline views are to be found. See below for more info.

Collegiate West vs. Collegiate East?

On The Colorado Trail, there are two “designated” alternates that are the same mileage roughly.  Between Twin Lakes and Monarch Pass, the CT splits for ~80 miles between the two Collegiate routes.

Which option to hike?

  • The Collegiate West option is more scenic, more remote feeling and is on or near the Continental Divide.  Simply stunning. However, it is more exposed
  • The Collegiate East is the older and lower version of the CT.  Best if the weather is going to be iffy, don’t enjoy the high elevation as much and want something less remote.

This post from the FKT Proboards by Eric Truhe nicely sums up the stat differences between the Collegiate East and the Collegiate West options:

For CT East versus CT West clarification, according to the CT Guidebook (9th Edition):

The CT via the CT East is 484.6 miles with 87,645 feet of climbing (Durango to Denver)

The CT via the CT West is 489.7 miles with 89,665 feet of climbing (Durango to Denver)

The CT East section is 78.1 miles with 15,038 feet of climbing (south to north)
The CT West section is 83.2 miles with 17,058 feet of climbing (south to north)

Thus, the CT West section is 5.1 miles longer with 2,020 feet more climbing (south to north)

However, it is important to note that the 78.1 mile CT East section is at an average elevation of 9K-10K feet, while the 83.2 mile CT West section is at a much higher average elevation of 11K-12K feet. While the CT East route does top out above 11K feet a few times, the CT West route has whole sections that run above 12K feet (for example, the CT West route has a 15-mile section that runs between 12K-13K feet)!

The CT “West” route could be more aptly named the CT “direct” as it goes through the Collegiate Peaks mountains, rather than around to the “West.” The higher mileage, climbing, and average elevation, make the CT West route more challenging (and in my opinion, more aesthetically pleasing) than the CT East route.

My 2017 Collegiate Loop hike also has some photos that contrast the two routes.


How much will it cost to take a hike on The Colorado Trail?

That is a question with many different answers depending on your hiking style, length of trip, how many town stops you go on, cost of transportation to the trail,  etc.

In general assuming an average hike of The Colorado Trail of 4-5 weeks, figure roughly $1200 +/- taking into the account of inflation vs years past.  This price does not include the cost of gear or transportation costs to and from the trail.

A way to save money is to limit town stops and overnight stays in particular,  only purchase food for re-supply purposes, do not indulge in any alcohol, and limit side trips while in town such as rafting.

Equipment for The Colorado Trail

If you are an AT or another long trail veteran, most of your gear and clothing choices should work fine. There are some caveats that do apply:

  • You are hiking at altitude! UV radiation is more intense; sun exposure is a major concern. Sunglasses and sun protection are a must! Wear sunscreen and/or a large hat, long sleeves and long pants. Even the dime store sunglasses now have 100% UVA and UVB protection.
  • You will want to be hydrated as well. The sun exposure means you are more likely to get dehydrated. A dehydrated body does not work efficiently. Drink!
  • If you are hammock camper, you will want to be more careful in picking your campsites.  Some of the CT is above treeline so fewer options. in some cases.

Fuel canisters should be found in the following places. As more people are now hiking The Colorado Trail and the coinciding Continental Divide Trail, strongly suggested calling ahead to be sure of availability in these sometimes smaller stores esp with supply chain issues expected to continue into 2022.

  • Denver area – Pick one!
  • Bailey – Platte River Outfitters – 303-816-9383/ 303-895-7229 .
  • Fairplay – Prater’s Market (719) 836-1618 – Fairly easy hitch past Jefferson. The market reported having canisters in stock.
  • Fairplay – High Alpine Sports – (719) 836-0201
  • Breckenridge – Mt Outfitters – 970-453-2201
  • Dillon – REI –  (970) 468-0161
  • Frisco – Walmart – (970) 668-3959  larger 8oz or 16oz  isobutane
  • Silverthorne – Wilderness Sports -(970) 468-5687
  • Twin Lakes – General Store –  719-486-2196  Limited quantity reported; may want to call ahead
  • Leadville – Leadville Outdoors  (719) 486-7392
  • Buena Vista – Trailhead Sports – 719-395-8002
  • Princeton Hot Springs – PHS Store – (719) 395-2447- Store reported to have some canisters in stock.
  • Salida – Salida Mt Sports – 719-539-4400   – Monarch Crest Store (limited quantity reported)- 1-719-539 4091
  • Creede – San Juan Sports – 719-658-2482
  • Lake City – Sportsman Outdoor and Fly Shop – 970-944-2526   High Country Market 970 944-0161
  • Silverton  – Outdoor World  – 970-387-5628  – Silverton Hardware  (970) 387-5774
  • Gunnison – A few different choices among the outdoor stores, Walmart, and possibly hardware stores.
  • Durango – Many choices as well (if not as many as Denver..go figure! ;D)

Note: There may be more stores than listed. Feedback always welcome. I’d be lying if I said I visited or know about every outdoor store in the state. 😉  Also, the small town’s stores can change or run out of inventory esp as more people hike The Colorado Trail and the CDT.  Always good to call ahead.

  • White gas and Heet/denatured alcohol are found fairly easily in most re-supply areas. Heet is usually found in gas stations, hardware stores, auto supply stores, grocery stores, and convenience stores in the automotive section mixed in with the oil, transmission fluid, etc.


With more wildfires and drier conditions in the American West, open flame bans are becoming more common.

What this often means is that in addition to campfires, stoves without an on/off valve are often banned. That means alcohol stoves and Esbit stoves. You can go stoveless, use a canister stove, or go with a white gas stove. Some years, even white gas stoves get banned. Naturally, wildfires will affect trail closures or even resupply.



Resupply is similar to the PCT: Not overly hard but fewer choices and longer hitches than the AT. Because of the relatively short length of the CT, mail drops are a viable option for many thru-hikers esp those on a fast pace with limited time. Below is a list of some popular re-supply areas with approximate mileage to each from a Denver start. Also, have a brief description of each town for supply purposes. This is not a complete description by any means but does give a brief overview of some of the more popular options.

Maildrops vs resupply in towns

Places that have adequate supplies in stock for CT travelers are not in short supply. Oatmeal, Ramen, bars, cheese, etc. are all staples in good supply for people on the CT. Buying as you go works for most people on their CT journey.

When to use maildrop (package of supplies mailed to yourself)?

Maildrops are simply mailing a pre-made food parcel to a post office, hostel, or other areas in town on the trail. The advantage of this method is that the supplies are waiting in a package for you.

A hiker will pick up their package, dump the food in their pack, and go. The disadvantage of this method is that you are dependent on Post Office hours (if not sending to a hostel or business), have to pay for shipping, and need a person on the home front to send out packages for you. Unless you have special dietary needs or on a time crunch, there is no real reason to use maildrops on a regular basis.

As mentioned, many towns on the CT have good-sized grocery stores and other resupply areas.

If you use a maildrop, be sure to mail out as the example below shows:

Jane Hiker

c/o General Delivery
Some Town, CO 55555
Please hold for CT hiker, ETA 7/23/28

The post office will generally hold your package for up to two weeks. Be sure to have an ID ready when you pick up your package.  If possible, you may want to mail a package directly to a hostel or business rather than the post office. The hours will be longer and more flexible.

A mail drop works best if:

  • Have dietary needs (vegan, GF,  etc.) not easily addressed via a typical town resupply.
  • Prefer to pick up meals you made yourself be it for nutritional  or personal taste
  • On a time crunch and grabbing a package does save time vs. shopping in town.

Note you can mix and match, too. Send maildrop to the place where the selection is limited; buy where there are full-service options.

**** Due to the increasing popularity of The Colorado Trail, it is suggested that you contact a business first before you send a mail drop ****

And speaking of towns and interaction with hikers…

Remember, hiking The Colorado Trail is a privilege and not a right. Always say “Please” and “Thank you”, don’t act like you are entitled to anything because you are a long-distance hiker, and respect not only your fellow hikers but also the people in the towns you are entering. Remember, your actions can impact the hikers coming after you.

The Appalachian Long Distance Hikers Assoc. has an excellent set of guidelines at the “Endangered Services Campaign” site.  Written quite a few years ago for the Appalachian Trail, the guidelines work equally well for the growing amount of hikers on The Colorado Trail.

On to the resupply info…

  • Marginal resupply – Soda, chips, snacks. Maybe some Ramen or canned goods if you are lucky. Hard resupply basically.
  • Moderate resupply – All the basics, if not many choices. Your typical small-town grocery store. You’ll be able to get everything you need for a few days of the trail.
  • Full Service – Has a supermarket, lodging, restaurants, often an outfitter of some sort. Anything you need will probably be in this town.

Please Note: As with all mountain areas, the places below can be busy on weekends and holidays on or before Labor Day Weekend.  Don’t be surprised if the accommodations are full for a busy summer weekend!  Wildfires can also affect town resources or even cause outright closures.

Air BnB and VRBO are increasingly popular options for lodging in some of the more popular tourist towns the CT goes through as an FYI

Also, new commercial enterprises are mailing out food, gear, and other sundries to hikers.  Quite a few may be found via a Google search such as, but not limited to, Trail Supply Co,  Outdoor Herbivore, Zero Day Resupply,  and Sonora Pass Resupply . They regularly post on forums and Facebook advertising their services. Some hikers are using Amazon Pantry Service or the Walmart equivalent, too.

Also,  this information can change…even during a season. If there is incorrect/additional info, please send feedback. Thank you!


Resupply Spot Miles From Denver Miles From Trail Notes
Denver 0.0 0.0 A large metro area with everything you may need. Near the downtown area there is an REI.
Conifer  16.5  15  Large town with many restaurants, retail stores, grocery stores, PO, etc. 
Buffalo Creek 26.6 3.2 Very soon into the trail if you need to bail or just want to get a cold Coke. Small general store with marginal resupply. PO inside the general store. Ask nicely and you may be able to get package outside or normal business hours.
Bailey 40.7 8 Lodging (just outside of town), restaurants,  The resupply is marginal at the gas station. Basic camping items as Sasquatch Outpost and Knotty Pine. Platte River Outfitters will take maildrops by UPS and FedEx only. Stocks canisters, dehydrated food, and snacks. Some backpacking supplies: “More the place for forgot this, forgot that” “Shuttles when we can”

The town does have PO if you want to do a maildrop. Bailey may be an option if you need some RnR while getting your trail legs. FS-560 gets a decent amount of traffic on a weekend.

Two Bridges Lodges (the former site of Lynwood Park) offers a hiker hostel, holds packages and performs local shuttles for guests.  More info  RSVP is not required but preferred.


There is Mad Jack’s Mountain Brewery in town.



Jefferson / Fairplay 71.7 4.5  S Jefferson: Hungry Moose Caboose has BBQ. Small post office nearby. (slated to close in Aug 2022).

Jefferson Market also open:

P.O. Box 253

Jefferson, CO  80456

Looks like the grill is open again, too.


Fairplay: Small, compact town past Jefferson with everything a hiker may need. Good-sized grocery store, lodging, restaurants.  Outdoor store.  Relatively easy hitch on 285. Rumored to be the inspiration for the show “South Park”!   Brewery, too.


From this point, Bailey may also be hitched back to ~19 miles north  on 285.



Breckenridge/Frisco/Dillion 104.4 4 Breck: Full service town. Bus will stop at trailhead and take you into and out-of-town for free. Fireside Inn is hiker-friendly hostel with bunk rooms. Takes maildrops via UPS and FedEx  only .

Newer hostel called The Bivvi offers a  bunk and breakfast stay. Book online at this link with the code “HikeCO” for a discount..  Prices do go up for  last minute bookings. “Hot tub…outdoor firepit..draft beer”. On free bus line and next to Breck brew pub (or a .5 mile walk)!   Onsite laundry services now . Takes mail drops.See website for more info. More info here as well.

Frisco: Another full-service town with outfitters, grocery stores, etc. The same free bus will take you in the other direction to Frisco. Frisco is a full-service town with less expensive lodgings (esp. if you want a private room). I’ve been known to frequent the Backcountry Brewery there once or twice.

Silverthorne/Dillon: Full-service town. The Summit County Bus will also take you a little further into nearby Dillon/Silverthorne. More lodging, stores, and BREW PUBS!

Copper Mtn / Frisco 119.3 0 Copper: Ski Resort, NO POST OFFICE! Very marginal resupply. Many restaurants.   Follow CT into Copper at American Eagle Ski Lift. Follow side trail into “town”.

Frisco:  You can pick up the same free bus in Copper (Summit Stage) as for Breck. Will take you to Frisco.

Leadville 142.8 via US 24 at Tennessee Pass 9.5 Full-service town. Leadville Hostel  is  now:

Inn the Clouds – Leadville’s Hostel & Inn

(719) 486-9334

maildrop for guests (yes)

shuttles for a fee when time permits (yes)

Showers for walk-in’s $6/person

Free wifi


Newer low-key hostel: The Colorado Trail House . wifi, showers,  127 E 8th S 970-343-2565 or you can also email us at  Showers reported being at laundromat.

157.9via  Haggerman Rd FS-105 11.0 The FS roads see a fair amount of traffic, esp, on a weekend. Could be an easy hitch. US 24 at Tennessee Pass sees the most traffic. Many people bagging Elbert and Massive make hitching from Half-moon easy as well (esp. on weekends)
171.2 via Halfmoon Creek Rd. FS-110 8.0
Twin Lakes 175.8 On-trail or 1-3 miles.   Depends if you use alt. road walk route, old CT over Hope Pass, or current CT route General store with basic backpacking food and supplies.  Moderate re-supply.  Resupply packages info at this link:   Info for 2021  Two small motels.  Other lodging (cabins, lodges) just outside of “town”.

Patrick “Gumby” Basso reports Lodging at Twin Lakes Inn.  Very Clean and New.  The food at the Twin Lakes Inn is very good.

– Great apple glaze pork spare ribs – yummy + beer.   (Food reported to be on the expensive side; DINNER ONLY MEAL AVAIL FOR NON-GUESTS – RESERVATIONS NEEDED) 

Collegiate West alt route info is below  Durango. Collegiate West alt starts just past here at ~ mile 14 of segment 11. Please see below Durango  for resupply info on Collegiate West alt route
Buena Vista 191.3 via  Clear Creek Rd/RT 390 then US 24 ~20 Full-service town. Different lodging options. All roads see a fair amount of traffic esp on a weekend, but 306 sees the most traffic and is by far the easiest hitch.

New hostel – BV Overlook with hiker accommodations and tent sites. Local shuttles. Some hiker supplies in store per website.

209.6 via 365 6.5
216.6 via 306 9.5
Mt. Princeton Hot Springs 230 0 On-trail resort. Princeton Hot Springs General store/marginal to moderate re-supply. Restaurant, lodging, hot springs you can soak in for a day. May take maildrops if you call ahead.  Rooms and day-use hot springs avail.
Salida 247.7 via CO 240

253.2 via US 50

13 to Salida TH at 240 is for “Angel of Shavano”, a 14er. On weekends, there could be a decent amount of traffic.
Otherwise, you may want to hike ~5 m more miles to US 50, then hitch. US 50 is a much busier road.Simple Lodge and Hostel low-costs bunks. In downtown near all amenities. They do take mail drops. Offer bikes for getting around town. Many local places shuttle MTBikers to the nearby Monarch Crest Trail that is part of the CT/CDT Headwater IPA at Amica brewpub highly recommended by Ed Hyatt!Keith “Wolf” Kimball reports “Salida town is spread out.  The Simple Lodge hostel is over a mile walking through a community area to get back to Rt 50. On Rt. 50 offers other lodging accommodations that are close to several restaurants, Walmart, and other facilities. The ‘Salida Hot Springs Aquatic Center’ offers a “Hot Spring” to soak in for $11. Set up more like an indoor pool area with showers. Lockers and towels are also available for an extra $1 each.

Hayduke’s Hideout hostel avail as of May 2021.

 This business takes maildrops:.  Roxy’s Bottle Shop 102 E Rainbow Blvd. Salida, Co 81201. 719-539-4163

Approx 5 miles to the west is the town of Poncha Springs with restaurantslodging, gas stations for minimal supply, a post office, and a brewery! 

The Monarch Mountain Lodge (Garfield) is about five miles below Monarch Pass. Previous owners have let people park here if hiking the  Collegiate Loop.

The Butterly Hostel a popular option for both collegiate West and East hikers.  Various ways to reach including a two-mile hike down a  jeep road. Takes maildrops. See

Sargents 266.8 15 Tough hitch on low traffic road. Marginal resupply. PO. Lodging in cabins. Bar and grill.
 Saguache / Gunnison  302.9 Saguache is approx 30 miles EAST.  Note: I was hesitant to add this info, but I have received some e-mails about it. I also had to use this point as a bailout point during a very heavy snow storm on my CDT hike in 2006.  Though this is a hard and long hitch in both directions, it could be useful for patient people and/or those who really need to bail

.Saguache: This county seat, but a dying town, has a few small businesses that have been known to be for sale. As for this writing, the town does have two gas stations for min – moderate resupply, restaurants (breakfast, lunch, dinner), lodging, and a post office.

 Gunnison is approx 40 miles  WEST. It is a two-part hitch via 114 and 50 Gunnison: A good-sized college town that has full resupply, outfitters, lodging, etc.  Everything a hiker may need and more. The Wanderlust Hostel has been recommended by other hikers. They will take maildrops. Look at their website for contact info to inquire more. The owners seem super hiker friendly.
 Creede  343.1 via FS- 503 @ San
Luis Pass
 10 – ~2 miles of hiking to a TH parking lot first. Then about 8 miles to town down a jeep road  Getting into Creede requires some finagling.  The FS road requires a walk down to a semi-official parking area at Equity Mine and hoping for traffic.  The other way involves a hitch that is reported to be easier than in years past. If you do get down to the TH parking lot, it is sometimes an easy hitch into Creede, esp. on a weekend and/or during hunting season as people are heading back to town. However, if you are the type of person who wants a 100% definite ride, I would not do this option. Road essentially only goes into and out of Creede. Many people use this road to “bag” San Luis Peak and do the self-guided Bachelor City mining tour.   Mountain Man Rafting also offers rides to Equity Mine and shuttles to Spring Creek Pass. Cookerhiker also reports that  “The owner of San Juan Sports offers rides to the Trailhead up that 4WD road”
 357.8 via Spring Creek Pass at 149  Creede has a good grocery store with moderate to full-service resupply. Snowshoe Lodge is reasonable in price. Other more $$$ options, too. Has an outfitter as well. Reported to be an easier hitch now than in years past.

A reported in a Facebook group “If you need to ship to Creede, the Chamber and San Juan Sports both accept packages. Check out if you need more information. K-belle also has a nice selection of all the food you need.

Creede Chamber of Commerce
904 S Main
Creede, CO 81130

San Juan Sports
102 S Main”

 Lake City   357.8 via Spring Creek Pass at 149  17 Easier hitch now than in years past.  Lake City has become one of the “go to” places on the CT and CDT.

The Sportsman will shuttle to and from Spring Creek Pass for $41.20 one way.

Decent grocery stores (moderate to full resupply). High Country Market actively seeking hiker input on what to stock.
Restaurants.  Elkhorn RV resort has tent sites and heated camper cabins. May take maildrops if you call ahead.

Silver Spur Motel reported being good as well. Local businesses offer possible shuttles out-of-town.

“Mary and Marc” did find helpful people at the Matterhorn Motel:
She said they take UPS mail drops for hikers.

“Lake City Trail Hiker Center opening in June 2022. The Center is located at the Presbyterian Annex (418 Silver Street) and will be open weekdays from 9am to 11am and 2pm to 5pm. Keep in mind… we’ll likely need to adjust as the season unfolds.
We’re offering hikers several new amenities: Free high speed wifi..afimple outdoor and indoor seating, an outdoor water refilling/hand washing station…, free tea and espresso bar.. snack bins (with lots of travel bars, snacks and some toiletries items), a unisex toilet (no shower available), communications board with local accommodations and offerings, hiker box, and public computer/printing services available)”.
 Molas Lake Campground  410.7  ~.5 (half-mile)  to campground off CT  Campground is in pretty location. New ownership in Summer 2015. Amenities for hikers, supplies with a hiker focus, take mail drops. Described as an “oasis” by one thru-hiker. Please see for more information, mail drop instructions, and contact info.
 Silverton  412.1  5.5 m  Silverton is an easy hitch. Small, touristy town. Can do moderate re-supply at the small grocery store.  Outfitter. Prospector Hotel in Silverton likes hikers. Will do basic shuttles.  Near all amenities. Will shuttle back to trail.   Silverton Hostel is another option.
.San Juan Backcountry will do extensive shuttles all over the San Juan area. Advanced reservations are suggested.Silverton Hardware takes maildrops: We are no longer able to accept USPS or Fed-Ex packages as we are now an official UPS access point. Also, all packages shipped to our 740 Greene St Silverton CO 71433 address via UPS must be picked up within 7 days or we have to return them to UPS. This is out of our control now, as an access point. We are, however, stocking more fuel, freeze-dried food, meal bars, electrolytes, and first aid than we have ever carried in the past for hikers. Our phone number is (970) 387-5774 if you want to call us with questions.
 Durango  486.4  End of Trail Treat yourself to a beer and a burger. Mail yourself some comfy clothes! The trail ends ~4 miles
from the outskirts of this full-service town. Should be easy to hitch into town.  the Durango Hometown Hostel is closed as of Aug 2013. Cookerhiker reports “At the end of our successful Colorado Trail thru-hike, Northern Harrier and I celebrated with a free brew at Carver’s in Durango. They offer a free CT Ale to all thruhikers. Very satisfying.”    FREE BEER! ’Nuff said.

Durango Dineoffers a 10% discount to CT finishers.

BV and nearby.  219.3 14E to Cottonwood Hotsprings

18E to BV


Cottonwood Hot springs could work for maildrop.  Call ahead. Lodging avail too.

See above about BV amenities

 Tincup  228.3  8.5  Restored mining town. Small restaurant and snack-type store. Very hard hitch and climb. Not suggested.
 St. Elmo  235  4  Marginal resupply at general store St. Elmo is easier to reach and get to than Tincup above. Contact for possible maildrops.
Mt. Princeton Hot Springs  235 15 Could be a tough hitch. See above for more details
 Monarch Mountain Lodge (Garfield)  252.3  2  see above. You will need to hike this route down for resupply more than likely.
Butterfly Hostel

Monarch Crest Store

Varies; see website


Varies; see website



The Butterly Hostel a popular option for both collegiate West and East hikers.  Various ways to reach including two-mile hike down a  jeep road. Takes maildrops. See

On trail store. Moderate resupply in recent years. Cafeteria.  Takes maildrops via UPS only Call first: (719) 539-4091  Hwy 50 West
Salida, CO 81201

 Salida  263.3  22  see above


CACHING: Every so often, I get an inquiry asking about caching supplies along the trail. As the hitches are easy with ample resupply, it is not an option that makes much sense logistically (have to drive A LOT to drop caches and  A LOT to pick up caches). But it is an option that could work for some people esp in long stretches (e.g. at Spring Creek Pass) or if you absolutely do not want to hitch.   James and Rebecca hiked the CT in 2009 using bear canisters cached along the trail. As they stated, “If you take this method, please note that it is not okay to leave a bunch of flimsy Rubbermade bins in the forest. Bears will find your food and eat it. All.”.

Here’s their link if you are curious about how and where they cached supplies:

Also, I saw a presentation at Neptune Mountaineering where the two hikers cleverly used metal ammo boxes from the surplus store such as found on eBay or Amazon. These sturdy, metal boxes are often used in National Park Service backcountry campsites to critter-proof food. At ~$15-20 ea, considerably less expensive than bear canisters, too.


One of the big attractions of The Colorado Trail is the alternate routes that can be done. Some people choose to walk the CDT for a bit, others choose to follow some harder but more scenic routes, still others take alternates that encompass doing 14ers then dropping back to the CT. Look at your maps and see what looks good to you! I took two alternate routes that added a fair amount of elevation gain and about ten miles to my overall route. Below are some alternate route ideas.  There are others as well. Be sure to consult your guidebooks and/or maps to get back to the CT!  NO REALLY, BE SURE TO TAKE MAPS IF YOU DO ALTERNATE ROUTES!

Lost Creek Wilderness High Route: I

Interested in exploring some high country soon into your trip? Take the Lost Creek High Route!  This is a mainly off-trail route that takes in the highest peak in the Kenosha Range (Peak 12429′; unofficially called Peak X) in the Lost Creek Wilderness and is a high route parallel to The Colorado Trail below. To access this route (Durango-bound), take the Brookside-McCurdy Trail north off the CT. At a saddle between two peaks, head off-trail and west towards Kenosha Pass along the ridge. You are now on the backbone of the Kenosha Mountains. The off-trail hiking is easy to navigate but challenging in terms of elevation gain and loss.

Follow this route to the Ben Tyler trail junction (unofficially called “Platosha Pass” ) and then head south to rejoin The Colorado Trail. If you want to continue the high country route (and add a fair amount of mileage) continue into the Platte River Mountain range and follow the range to North Twin Cone Peak, follow the long and meandering dirt road down to Kenosha Pass and rejoin The Colorado Trail.   The views from North Twin Cone are quite exquisite, but the road walk can be tiring after a long day. You will need Trails Illustrated Map #105 or appropriate topos from other sources.. Please note that while this route is easy to follow with basic map reading skills, it is not marked. Water is also scarce along the ridge itself. Consider it a scenic alternative for more experienced hikers.

Hope Pass: The old Colorado Trail route (and current CDT / Collegiate West route) is harder but much more scenic than official CT on the Collegiate East. At 12540’ the views are breathtaking. Hope Pass is also the literal high point of the Leadville 100 ultramarathon that takes place in mid-August. After coming down Hope Pass, you can go east on 390 viathe short Sheep Gulch spur trail off the CT  and eventually connect back up to the Collegiate East CT on a dirt road (Note, I am not saying this road is the CT! just connect to it  again via the dirt road. 🙂 ) Or you can do the alternate below… (Use Trails Illustrated Map #127 or the NatGeo TI Colorado Trail Maps. Other maps sources may work, too. )

Missouri Gulch: Not too long after Hope Pass, you can get to the historic town of Vicksburg that is accessed by the short  Sheep Gulch spur trail off the CT. This town is actually a historic site that has been re-built. Shortly after this town, you will come to a trailhead for Missouri Gulch. This alternate is far prettier than the official CT East in the sage IMO. Much harder, though. This alternate has you surrounded by
three 14ers (Missouri, Belford, Oxford) and is an incredible view. If you are into peak bagging, this route is esp. good as the 14ers are easily accessible. The views from up to and at Elk Head Pass are stunning. You follow the trail and connect back to the CT in a  valley. (Use Trails Illustrated Maps #127 and #129 or the NatGeo TI Colorado Trail Maps)

Collegiate West / CDT Alternate:   After Hope Pass, rather than turn towards Missouri Gulch, follow the designated Continental Divide Trail route from Hope Pass to where it meets up with The Colorado Trail again at the Fooses Creek trail near Monarch Pass. This route is  higher than the Colorado Trail (and sometimes more exposed) and can provide another high country alternate for those who wish to take it. The  Latitude 40 series and the  Guthhook app /Bear Creek Survey Maps also have this route, including the 2014 re-routes,  in detail. The Trails Illustrated NatGeo Maps have this route, too.

Collegiate Loop

Speaking of the Collegiate West loop, this newer alt route combined with the traditional CT  will make a wonderful ~165 mile CT/CDT loop with beautiful scenery and easy logistics.  A map book of this loop is also available.  A good overview with planning info from David Collins of Clever Hiker is available, too.  NatGeo Trails Illustrated has a map set avail as of Summer 2017.  In the Fall of 2017, I hiked the Collegiate Loop.  I put together a Colorado Trail Collegiate Loop guide based on that trip that is adjunct to information found on this page.

Beer Thirty Hike: Not an alternate per se, but an easy way to do a  14 mile/3500′ gain slack pack between Breck and Copper using the Summit County Bus transit system.  Info here. Reverse the route if Durango bound.   If you are not a purist, you can even veer off the CT and hike directly into Frisco via the Peaks Trail right to the Frisco Backcountry Brewery! 😉

Note that the Mountain Maps-Sawatch Range will also work for the alt. routes between Hope Pass and Monarch Pass. It does NOT have the 2014 Collegiate West re-route however.

Colorado 14ers: The 14ers are the high peaks in Colorado. There are fifty-eight of these 14000+ foot mountains in Colorado, many of these along the CT itself. Many CTers can’t resist climbing these immense peaks. Three of the more popular ones (due to accessibility and able to make a loop with the peak and CT) are:

      1. Mt Elbert –  Highest peak in Colorado. Near Leadville and Twin Lakes. Many choose to go off the CT, summit and come down another trail.
      2. Mt Massive – Second highest peak, just down the trail from Elbert.
      3. San Luis Peak – You climb to San Luis Pass at 12500 on the CT. Just a little over  1500 (and 1.5 miles) is the top of San Luis Peak. One of the least climbed 14ers. Very accessible from the CT, can make a loop as well

Please Note: There are other 14ers near the CT as well. The above are just three of the most popular. Jamie Compos has a nice list of 14ers near The Colorado Trail and corresponding Trails Illustrated maps to hike them. Scroll down the page until you see the appropriate section. Consult your guidebook and maps if you want to know more about the 14ers that can be done from the CT. Climbing the 14ers is a very popular activity in Colorado. Especially on weekends, you will see many people on a summit. Climbing 14ers means you are above tree line more. You will be more exposed and at higher altitude. Be careful! As the saying goes “There are old mountaineers and there are bold mountaineers. There are very few old and bold mountaineers.” If in doubt about the weather head down and don’t climb up to the summit.

Justin Simoni also has very detailed information on accessing the 14ers from The Colorado Trail. Complete with CalTopo maps, alt routes, and where dropping your pack for a side trip may be advisable.

Getting to and from Denver

Here’s how to get to the trailhead via public transport: –

Another possible option? 

      • Jerry Harp on Facebook reports that “FWIW: The Holiday Inn Express and Suites in Littleton will allow you to leave your vehicle for the duration of your hike for the price of a one night stay. There is a shuttle that will take you to the trailhead. 720-981-1000.”


The CTF also has a volunteer shuttle driver list. .  The CTF has confirmed they do keep a shuttle list. Primarily people who wish to help but do not want their information posted publically online.

Leaving A Car at Waterton Canyon

And, as cautioned above, COVID changed things. TBD if the ban on leaving a car at Waterton Canyon is permanent or lasting into other seasons.  As of this writing in Jan 2022,  no longer-term parking avail.  If the trend continues into 2022 safe to say leaving a car there will not become an option going forward. More info –

Other Denver area parking options

      • Another option is the Sedalia RV storage listed earlier: Sedalia RV Storage (303) 688-3842 for about $40/month.  Other RV storage areas in the Denver metro area may work. Google is your friend!
      • Jerry Harp on Facebook reports that “FWIW: The Holiday Inn Express and Suites in Littleton will allow you to leave your vehicle for the duration of your hike for the price of a one-night stay. There is a shuttle that will take you to the trailhead. 720-981-1000.
Getting to and from Durango

Getting back to Denver or into Durango you have a few different options. There is a small airport in Durango. You could rent a car at this airport as well.  United  Airlines also has one-way flights from Durango to Denver; which reported being expensive. American Airlines as well.  Enterprise car rental is located in Durango itself.  Enterprise has been reported to do pickups (such as a motel room).  These one-way rentals book quickly.

Bus service is avail again for Durango to Grand Junction via public transit. Grand Junction, you can catch a Greyhound bus back to Denver. You can reverse the route to get into Durango.  (see info below in Section Hiking Transportation for The Colorado Trail)  

Note that Grand Junction has a decent-sized airport with regular flights to/from Denver. Car rentals also available.

Another option is to fly into Albuquerque and get to and from Durango via other means. Getting to ABQ via public transit goes through Denver, so that route is not suggested at this time.
Rideshare boards on Facebook and Craig’s List also might be useful.
Once into Durango, it is a ~4-mile walk from the downtown area to the Durango terminus of The Colorado Trail (Kennebec Trailhead) at Junction Creek Road.  An easy walk or hitch (or at least partial hitch) to the trailhead.   If you start The Colorado Trail later in the day, there is also a campground about two miles from the Durango Terminus of The Colorado Trail.
Naturally, this is a good place to crash if you end The Colorado Trail later in the day and don’t wish to push on into Durango that night.
Directions to the Junction Creek Trailhead from
From Durango, head north on Main Avenue, and turn left onto 25th Street, Junction Creek Road. Travel on Junction Creek Road for about 3 miles to where it enters the San Juan National Forest. A parking area is located on the left, near the trailhead.
For long-term parking in Durango, you may want to ask on Facebook or other groups detailed in  OTHER RESOURCES.  People have offered to do long-term parking in the past for a Durango start.   If that does not work out, there is the Durango airport at $8 a day as well. The Durango and Silverton NG railroad also offer long-term parking for $8 a day. It is located near downtown Durango, so perhaps more convenient than the airport if other options can’t be found.  Buckhorn Limousine reported allowing parking on their property for a fee.  The City of Durango sells monthly parking permits for $30, too.
Buckhorn Limousine details – 

From the CT 2020 Facebook group.

And a Durango new resource as of Jan 2022.
From Facebook:
Hello Hikers!! We are currently taking reservations for safe,long term/short term parking! $5.00 per day
Durango, Colorado
Transportation to airport $50.00
Trailhead pick up $100.00
Contact Marie
Section Hiking and shuttle transportation info for The Colorado Trail

A quick word about hiking The Colorado Trail in segments:  Not everyone can spend 4-6 weeks hiking The Colorado Trail in one long hike. Section (segment) hiking is a great way to see the trail and being able to do the trail a weekend, week or more at a time. Whether thru-hiking the trail or section hiking the trail, hiking The Colorado Trail is a great accomplishment.  If you hiked the trail in segments, be sure to let The Colorado Trail Foundation know you completed The Colorado Trail!

The following are ways you can section hike The Colorado Trail:

      • Uber or Lyft are both increasingly viable options
      • Greyhound goes to the town of Frisco to and from Denver. From Frisco you can take a Summit Stage Bus to Copper or the trailhead out of Breck/Frisco. See below for more info on Summit Stage.  Greyhound will also go to and from Denver, CO, and Grand Junction, CO. Reported having started service from ABQ to Durango again as well.
      • Bustang has various routes connecting throughout Colorado
      • Rome to Rio helpful for plotting out many tranist options be it public or private.
      • Albuquerque, NM is an option some people use for flying into or out of. Greyhound reported having started service from ABQ to Durango again as well.
      • Summit Stage: Summit Stage is the free bus service that goes along the various mountain towns. You could catch a Greyhound bus to Frisco and from there take the free Summit Stage Bus to the trailhead just outside of Breck/Frisco or to Copper Mountain. Naturally, you can reverse the route and take the Summit Stage from the trailheads at Breck/Frisco or Copper and go to Frisco and catch a Greyhound or Amtrak back to Denver.
      • As of Jan 2011, the Summit Stage also connects Frisco to Leadville for $5. Makes doing section hikes easier!
      • Denver Regional Transportation District (RTD): Not only for section hikers! RTD has rail lines and buses from the airport (DIA) to the trailhead. (See above in “Getting to and from Denver).  You can also use the Union Street Station terminal to get any flights out of Denver.
        The RTD station is about a 20-minute walk from the Greyhound station. If you take the train (see below), you can pick up the light rail at Union Station.
      • Colorado Mountain Express: If you’d rather keep your transportation needs simple, Colorado Mountain Express offers shuttles to and from the airport directly to and from Summit Country.
      • Durango – Silverton Narrow Gauge Rail Road: A unique way to get to and from The Colorado Trail! This tourist train will drop you/pick up in Durango, Silverton and also has a spot in the middle of the San Juans at the Elk Park stop. A little expensive, but an interesting way to see the mountains.
      • Wilderness Journeys and Pagosa Outfitters: Offers shuttles in Durango/Pagosa Springs/Wolf Creek Pass area.
      • SilverLining Suttle Service “… reliable and dependable for-hire shuttle service based out of the Denver area serving the CT hiking community. I will be offering ,at a fair price , shuttles , overnights , gear delivery , emergency help and anything else you might need to get on and stay on the trail. “
      • San Juan Backcountry San Juan Backcountry will do extensive shuttles all over the San Juan area. Advanced reservations suggested.
      • The Sportsman in Lake City does shuttles over the Lake City area (including the Gunnison Airport and Spring Creek Pass)
      • Buckhorn Limousine Carl Geer at reports “… run by a friend of mine and he offers, despite the name, really inexpensive shuttles to and from any destination in the southwest. He knows his stuff and spends thirty plus days backpacking in the Weminuche and the San Juans every Summer. Call this number 970-769-0933 and tell them Carl sent you. He can transport up to 7 people with gear at a time in a super clean new suburban. Visit his website at
      • Western Slope Rides “Ground transportation between regional airports, including Telluride, Montrose, Ridgway, Ouray and Silverton. Plus gear transport and shuttle service to trailheads and other backcountry destinations through out Western Colorado’s San Juan Mountains.”
      • Gunnison Valley Rural Transportation Authority: In brief, this bus line makes it easier to get from Denver (and DIA) to such places along or near The Colorado Trail (within hitching distance) such  Poncha Springs. Salida, Jefferson and  Buena Vista. With this bus line, you can mix and match flying, local transit (RTD) and train to get to more places for hiking in CO.
      • See also  Chaffee Shuttle
      • Amtrak: I had an e-mail asking about using the train to get to The Colorado Trail. Here’s a brief synopsis. If someone wants to do more thorough research, I’ll gladly add it.  In brief, the major train stations in Denver are Union Station and the Denver Greyhound Station. From there, you can access such services as Greyhound, Gunnison Valley RTA, RTD, etc to get to various points on The Colorado Trail.  Amtrak also stops in Frisco via their thru-way program. From there you can use the Summit Stage bus to get to The Colorado Trail.
      •  The Colorado Trail Foundation shuttle list: Shuttles are probably your best bet as a Colorado Trail section hiker.  The CTF has confirmed they do keep a shuttle list. Primarily people who wish to help but do not want their information posted publically online.
      • Online Forums: Reddit and The Colorado Trail Facebook groups have been known to have people volunteer to shuttle as well. See the Other Resources section for information on how to access these forums.

Finally, if you are section hiking, The Colorado Trail Guidebook is very useful for trailhead info and directions.

Hiking The Colorado Trail with a Dog
For the dog owner, there is an alt route that is described in an edition of The Colorado Trail Guidebook: 
Take the Indian Creek Equestrian Trail located on Hwy 67  approx 10 miles from the small town of Sedalia.  Follow this trail approx 6 miles to connect to The Colorado Trail at mile mark 8.8 at Bear Creek.
Directions to this alt route are as follows from
To reach this area, take U.S. Highway 85 south to Sedalia then take Highway 67 to the junction with Rampart Range Road. To access all the following sites turn left on to Rampart Range Road, this is a dirt road that is heavily traveled; please abide by posted speed limits.
Map provided of this area by The Colorado Trail Foundation:
Naturally, getting to and from this area will require more than the standard logistics.  You may have to find a willing friend in the area or contact a shuttle service. Still, for a person hoping to hike with a dog on the CT, it provides a good option.
Finally, a very strong suggestion is to spend a three-day weekend hiking ~15 MPD.  If your dog (and YOU!) still enjoy backpacking after a typical pace on The Colorado Trail, good chance your dog will enjoy backpacking. Hiking five miles to a camp and then relaxing all weekend is a much different pace than a long hike on The Colorado Trail.
Other Resources for The Colorado Trail

Here are some other resources about The Colorado Trail:


Once you have completed The Colorado Trail, be sure to fill out The Colorado Trail Completers form. The CTF will mail you a rather nice-looking certificate to add to your mementos from your CT hike.

If you have additional questions or about this document or The Colorado Trail in general, then please feel free to e-mail me. New info and feedback are always welcome too! Please try to have a subject line with COLORADO TRAIL somewhere in the text. Makes it easier to filter my mail. Thanks!

Best of luck on your Colorado Trail journey!

Paul “Mags” Magnanti


Many thanks to  Almanac, Bearpaw, Patrick “Gumby” Basso,  Jamie Compos, Matt Cecere, Rick “Rickles McPickles” Armstrong, Randy Brown, Book Burner, Chewy, Cookerhiker, Dirty Bird, dirtmonger, Dogwood, Frank Dumville, Mike Felix, Karl Gottshalk, Ed Hyatt, Jest Bill , Les Glassner, Keith “Wolf” Kimball,  Peter Lane, Little Bear, Lucky Man, Mr. Clippy, Paccer, Profile, Matt Roane, Henry Shires, Shutterbug, Skeemer, ,Skittles, Bill Webster and Yogi who all added some input to this doc.

Special thanks to Rain Maker; whose original doc provided part of the inspiration for mine! You can all thank my friend Keith McGuinnes who did The Colorado Trail in 2005. He picked my brain for an hour or so at a coffee shop in Boulder just before he did the CT. Out of that conversation, this doc was written.


Finally, a very big thanks to the many volunteers at The Colorado Trail Foundation who make this fine trail possible!


Colorado Trail “End to End” Guide – first version June 2005


Last Revised: June 2022

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cutty taylor
cutty taylor
13 years ago

thanks for the forward on the c.t. trail. have a good summer and will look
for your forwards and e mails. i just might make it out that way this summer.
cutty taylor

Bill Cooke
13 years ago

Good update Mags. Don’t know if this is the kind of info you want to include but in Creede, there are other shuttlers. The owner of San Juan Sports offers rides to the Trailhead up that 4WD road and there’s a woman named Debbie who shuttles to Spring Creek Pass. San Luis Pass to Spring Creek Pass makes a good slackpack for those so inclined (we did).

Bill Cooke
13 years ago
Reply to  Paul Mags

Sorry for the late response – I didn’t get any prompt so I guess I have to check the site. I didn’t call her myself to arrange the shuttle so I don’t have her number. But I think the folks at the motel know her. In fact, it’s a small town – everyone knows her!

9 years ago
Reply to  Bill Cooke

Not sure if this should be posted, but Debbie always answers and is friendly to help. Her number is 719-850-8715

Name Bruce Lebrun
Name Bruce Lebrun
11 years ago

Molas Lake Campground: Check this link under FAQ — updates on resupply.

11 years ago

greetings Pmags! I found your End to End guide very informative. Thank you for all your hard work. I wanted to pass along some trail talk. The hitch into Lake City is becoming easier and easier, and is not as hard as the guide imples. The locals are much more aware of hikers than before. I have met at least 10 hikers this summer who waited less than 10 minutes on Spring Creek Pass before someone swooped them up, including me. Not saying that Creede is a bad place, just that hanging out with other trail alumni is a pretty… Read more »

John Walker
John Walker
10 years ago

Just got an email from the folks at the store in Jefferson, CO. They claim that the Post Office was shut down due to cut back, but you can still send resupply boxes to them. Recommend using UPS or FedEx.


Andrea Jordan
Andrea Jordan
10 years ago

I really enjoyed reading this, full of good information. I’m actually planning a trip doing the Collegiate Peaks Loop this summer from June 12th-22nd but I was wondering what your thoughts on that timing is. I feel like its right on the edge of being too early, but I think it could be doable pending the weather in May. I messaged the Colorado Trail Foundation on facebook and they told me it’d be too early by a month, but I definitely can’t push it back that far due to other engagements. Any thoughts?

10 years ago

Hello, Swagman here again. What are the laws concerning hitch hiking in Colorado and what is the general attitude of the local authorities if they encounter a hiker hitch hiking? My experience on the AT is mixed. In Georgia the police have been known to give lifts to hikers. In New York and Connecticut they’ll arrest you on the spot if you even look like you’re going to stick your thumb out. One solution many of us have found is to make a sign (Need ride to town or ride to trail) out of some cardboard scrap or, this is… Read more »

Ben Jenkins
Ben Jenkins
10 years ago

Hey Mags, great stuff love all the updated CW route info. I was curious if i was reading the info right. Is the monarch crest store right on the CW route or the standard route. I am trying my best to avoid hitching to town and this like Twin Lakes would be an awesome way of doing that. Thanks in advance

10 years ago

Hi Mags,

Thanks so much for the great info! I bought the CT Map Book and it just seems terrible for actual navigation (especially if you get off the trail!). I’m planning on going with the Trails Illustrated Maps and am planning to do Collegiate West instead of East for the thru-hike. Can I eliminate any of the maps on your list? I checked out the TI website but I just can’t tell from their map whether I can leave any off. Thanks!


Maurina Rondeau
9 years ago

This is fantastic! What a wonderful resource. We’re planning on hiking 100 miles of the trail so this was super helpful. In your experience is it safe to hike through the summer storms? We’ll be hiking from July 19-24th and know we will encounter storms daily. If we push for miles in the morning is it usually safe to continue hiking at a slower pace through the lightning or should we consider stopping for the storm to pass? Here in MN we hike right on through the lake effect rain that is usually heavier than CO storms but we don’t… Read more »

Inbar O.
Inbar O.
9 years ago

Hi Paul, First of all – thank you so very much for posting this helpful online guide! I am planning a long summer hike in the US and am contemplating between two “finalists”: Tahoe to Whitney (southbound via PCT & JMT) and Colorado Trail I have a specific question about… bears 🙂 (being an Israeli, I am at the same time excited about seeing one in the wilds and quite worried about the encounter…). You have stated that a bear vault is an “overkill” and that the bears of Colorado are not as aggressive as those of California (I hope… Read more »

Inbar O.
Inbar O.
9 years ago
Reply to  Paul Mags

Thanks Paul!
Will take into account the above and will read more about the issue of bears; if I still am not sure – I will go with the bear vault (regardless of its weight). Would rather be on the safe side… and also feel secure.
Will come back to show-off if I do end up thru-hiking it 😉
Best regards,
Inbar O.

9 years ago

Thanks for this great information. Just starting planning. Feeling keen!

9 years ago

Thank you so much for this info!! It is so hard to find good info on the long trails about dogs and where water supply would be. Me and my good friend are hiking thru with my three dogs and his one. Don’t worry I’m a trainer and have a lot of knowledge on dogs and dog behavior. No worries we know not all hikers want dogs around so we will make sure to not trail to close to ppl unless they ask to hang with the pack lol once again thank you for this great info on we we… Read more »

Brycen McConnell
Brycen McConnell
9 years ago

Thanks for the guide! Its very extensive and I cant wait to go next summer! I am using this a training run for the PCT. I’ve been backpacking since for about 8 years now but ive never been out for more than 7 days. Do you have any advice for someone about to transition to thru hiking? Thank you!

9 years ago

Hi Paul –
Great website, lots of very useful info (thanks).

Would you say Erik the Black’s pocket atlas is enough for a thru-hike? What about the Data book – is that enough or would one need the whole Guide?

Also, do you know anything about the quality of these maps:

Thanks again

9 years ago
Reply to  Paul Mags

Paul: Thank you for posting information on the CO Trail. Any suggestions for where to leave in Durango at or near the trailhead- or what business to contact in Durango to get info on where to leave a vehicle?

9 years ago

FYI, Frontier Airlines no longer flies out of Durango.

Used some of your tips on the trail. We had a blast. We live just 5 miles from the Dgo TH so we literally waked home. Of course we wanted to just resupply and keep going until we ran out of money!

Kevin from Trailsnet
9 years ago

Thanks for the incredibly thorough post about the Colorado Trail. I’m about a quarter of the way through it as of 2015. I started doing it a hiking trail but have now joined up w/ a mountain bike group and am doing as much of it as possible on bicycle. Either way, it’s a great trail.

I also enjoyed working on a segment 8 volunteer trail crew this past summer. I figured that if I’m going to be using the trail, I should also volunteer to help maintain it. What a great experience. Hard work, but lots of fun too.

8 years ago

Thx for all the great CT info! Any recs on getting to twin lakes or other TH to do the collegiate loop in July. I plan to bring my trail dog and 10 year old which complicates logistics as the busses don’t allow dogs…only option I’ve found so far is a one way rental from Denver to Leadville and repeat to return. Had a blast last sept on JMT can’t wait to get high again! I live at sea level!!!

8 years ago

Hi Mags, do you know what possible re-locations have occurred on the CT since October 2012? From what I gather, the collegiate CDT loop is the newest thing added since then. I hiked to Buena Vista in 2012 from Denver. Probably will go out there again this summer and hike to Salida from Denver. I have the 8th edition CT guidebook and the CT data book. Are theer any addendums I need to brush up on?

Virginia Craft
8 years ago

Awesome! Thanks for posting this and making it completely free and available. You rock 🙂

8 years ago

This guide is an incredible resource! Thank you so much.
I would like to point out a small error in your Salida description though. Poncha Springs is actually 5 miles west of Salida, not 10 miles east. This is probably not a big deal for most folks, but you never know.
Thanks again for this guide Mr Mags.

8 years ago

Is it possible to email the resupply chart.
The last column is cut off from view.

8 years ago
Reply to  Paul Mags

Thank you.
Was using a phone, and was able to dl. Pdf
I appreciate all the time&energy you put out there for the world!

Michelle Lytle
Michelle Lytle
8 years ago

Thank you for the great information. I am looking for a breathtaking experience to take my sullen teenager on. I am looking for a week long trek, camping along the way, hoping to engage him with the joys of outdoors vs. video games. What section would you recommend? He has never done a hike like this before, and it has been about 15 years for me, however we are both in great shape and love to climb. Thank you again,

8 years ago

Hello! This is wondrous information. My sister and I are looking for some advice for our CT hike in august. We have 2 weeks, and we are trying to determine which portion of the trail will work best logistically. We are coming from Canada, and neither of us drive, and we’re broke so we’re hoping for bus. We’re two ladies who don’t object to hitching, but also really want to be safe… Our guidebook is designed for Denver- Durango direction, so we’ll probably stick with that. Our understanding is the CT half going into Durango is most spectacular, but it… Read more »

8 years ago

Mags Im starting the collegiate loop Saturday out of Twin Lakes. Trying to finish in 9-10 days so trying to keep my food haul light. So far I plan to drop a resupply box at Monarch Crest and MPHS. I’ll be hiking clockwise so this leaves the heaviest food haul on the most difficult section(west). I’m concidering a food cache at Cottonwood pass. I have a camo 4″x 3′ pic cylinder I turned into a sealed container w end caps and lined with odor barrier bag….I’m thinking about hiding this near cotton wood pass..thoughts…I plan to go back for it… Read more »

8 years ago

I don’t know if you want to include this in part of your guide, but I found a decent online map of the trail with the segments and CW route outlined:

I am planning a CT hike and hopefully will include a CW loop in it. Visualizing the trail and resupply points, etc., is difficult with the piecemeal maps that I have in my official CT guidebook and data book. Maybe others can find it useful to have the whole CT displayed in a jpeg.

John Going
John Going
7 years ago

Does the Guthook guide (I purchased the full trail) contain the same details as the databook?

I ask because I am planning a week on the trail and want to map out where I plan to camp. When looking at the app, it appears there is a campsite after crossing over Bear Creek (mile 8.9), but no other sites for another 20+ miles. I need to see all campsites. Is this included in the data book, or is there a better way to find this info?

Thanks for your help!


Ben Fullhart
Ben Fullhart
7 years ago

Hey Paul, thanks so much for putting together this guide! Seriously so helpful, as a prep for the CT this summer. One question for you – how are mosquitoes along the trail? I am used to a lot hiking in Oregon, but was wondering if the high altitude might lead to fewer? Or maybe I am just dreaming… anyways I will be starting in mid July

Ben Fullhart
Ben Fullhart
7 years ago
Reply to  Paul Mags

Perfect, thanks so much!!

7 years ago

Hey Paul,

Just wanted to let you know, I just got off the phone with Mt. Princeton hot springs and although they are right off the trail, the woman assured me they offer nothing cheaper than 230 a night.

As a side note, thanks so much for making this guide, it has been a ton of help!

7 years ago

I’m planning to hike from Molas Pass to Junction Creek. I understand there’s parking at the Junction Creek TH – I assume I can park a car there for a week or so? Or is it likely to be full in mid July?


7 years ago

any tips for transport to and from trail with a bike. starting Denver Centre and to get back to denver centre? thanks, D, UK

Robert Jackson
6 years ago

I appreciated your article post. I like your article post and it’s very useful blog.
many thanks for sharing us

Robert Jackson
6 years ago

It’s very beneficial blog. I like your blog.
thank you for sharing us

6 years ago

my god man, this guide is fantastic! well done!


[…] – End-to-End-Guide von Paul Magnanti […]


[…] – End-to-End-Guide von Paul Magnanti […]


[…] – End-to-End-Guide von Paul Magnanti […]

5 years ago

I appreciated your ‘End to End’ guide, and used it to help me “thru” the CT in 2018.

I tallied my own “on-trail” expenses (total from DIA airport to DUR airport) at slightly more than $800; so I think your figure is pretty accurate.

I mostly prepared my own meals in the hostel kitchens (which are pretty well-equipped) to help me contain expenses. Also enjoyed the camaraderie with the other hikers there that were doing the same.

5 years ago

Paul, You mention that Amtrak stops in Frisco. Did you actually mean Frasier?


[…] of this portion of the planning, I was lucky to stumble upon a few very helpful resources including The Colorado Trail “End to End” Guide and Colorado Trail Thru-Hiking Itineraries. I cannot begin to express how thankful I am to have […]

5 years ago

Hey, I clicked on the Biivi hostel link, the prices look to have gone up. Looking at my expected dates in August it’s $35 including the discount ($39 without). For tomorrow (last-minute-ish), it’s $44 ($49 without). Just FYI.

Heading to Moab for a visit this winter, loved reading your articles and can’t wait to check it out!

John Walker
John Walker
5 years ago

Hello Paul, Great info and thanks a million for all your efforts. Keep up the good work! Does anyone offer a supply drop/rendezvous at Colorado 114, mile marker 303.2 from Denver nowadays? Seem to recall someone in the past would either be there or leave your resupply at the trailhead of Colorado 114. Would appreciate any info and again thanks for everything. Stickman


[…] hikers. There are other guides that provide information also – Yogi’s Town Guides, Pmags End to End Guides, […]

4 years ago

Hi Paul,

This website is such an amazing resource! Thanks for putting it together.

Is there a popular detour to Telluride? Quickly looking at the Colorado Trail map, the trail swings south towards Durango before getting to Telluride. I’d love to detour off the CT and stop in Telluride on the way to Durango. Know of anywhere that talks about doing a Telluride detour or is the terrain not really conducive for a detour? Thanks!


[…] foods I want while not spending valuable time trying to figure out options at a grocery store. The End to End Colorado Trail guide assists in this kind of planning. […]


[…] foods I want while not spending valuable time trying to figure out options at a grocery store. The End to End Colorado Trail guide assists in this kind of planning. […]

Ken Willingham
Ken Willingham
3 years ago

I’ve never hiked the CT, but am planning a 1 week trip. Like views and peaks (can manage 15 miles/day fairly comfortably). What sections would you recommend I choose to hike?

Silverton Hardware
Silverton Hardware
3 years ago

Silverton Hardware would like to update our through hiker information from above. We are no longer able to accept USPS or Fed-Ex packages as we are now an official UPS access point. Also, all packages shipped to our 740 Greene St Silverton CO 71433 address via UPS must be picked up within 7 days or we have to return them to UPS. This is out of our control now, as an access point. We are, however, stocking more fuel, freeze-dried food, meal bars, electrolytes, and first aid than we have ever carried in the past for hikers. Our phone number… Read more »


[…] like whereas not spending useful time attempting to determine choices at a grocery retailer. The End to End Colorado Trail guide assists on this form of planning. […]