La Sals – 4th of July Weekend

A topsy-turvy holiday weekend due to “agita” [1] inducing reasons best not to recall.

On July 3rd into the evening of the 4th, I had some obligations, but I did get on a camping trip last night and a hike this morning to Mt Tuk(uhnikivatz). “The Place Where the Sun Sets Last”



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It gives me more appreciation for the local mountains so close to town where I can escape the heat, enjoy the mountains, and appreciate how my life somehow still manages a balance overall.


That afternoon and into the evening, I did some work I had not done in quite some time. And, what is honestly a one-off emergency that reminded me a little too much of my past life. I hope not to earn holiday pay for a long, long, long time.

From July 5th to the 7th, I did get some backpacking time into the always dependable La Sals. Walked in Friday evening with a beer and burrito to Burro Pass (say that three times fast!), did a loop that first where I got chased off the ridge due to fierce winds, meandered along some ghost roads and trails, and made my way out this morning.

I looked forward to Thursday evening when I pick up my favorite backpacking partner at the airport and then leave for a planned trip to the San Juans. I told my boss, “I will not be reached by phone, email, signal flare, or Pony Express courier.

[1]  An old-fashioned Neapolitan word still used a bit by people in the Northeast who are older (65+). Used less frequently by people ~40+ and probably not understood by anyone say under ~35. 🙂

Like many cool old ethnic words, there’s no direct translation in English, and it aptly applies at times! See also the Yiddish “chutzpah.”
At 50, I’m just barely old enough to remember my great-grandparents’ generation peppering their everyday talk with Neapolitan and my grandparents less so. None of those words were taught in Italian class in high school or college. 🙂


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