Ground cloths are an item used for backpacking and camping that is often not thought about too much. You buy a tent, get some sort of plastic to go underneath it, and call it good.
But is a ground cloth needed? Are there more choices beyond the expensive ‘tent footprints’ sold at your local outfitter or the ubiquitous blue-tarp sold at hardware stores?
There are indeed choices beyond these two standards that are lighter, less expensive and even more effective. If one is needed at all…
Read more to find out.
Updated for 2018.
Is a ground cloth needed for a tent?
There are many choices of the simple ground cloth to choose from. But, is one needed at all?
Conventional wisdom states that a ground cloth is needed to protect the floor from sharp rocks, sticks, stones and presumably Mole Men tunneling from beneath the tent and kidnapping unsuspecting campers.
But consider that hundreds of thru-hikers put on thousands of trail miles every year. Many of these people do not use ground cloths in conditions ranging from the heavily wooded Appalachian Trail to the desert conditions of the Arizona Trail.
The shelters used are lightweight and perhaps not as robust as the traditional tents that allegedly require the use of bulky and expensive “fitted tent footprints.”
Yet these lighter shelters do not get punctured, ripped or torn (mainly 😉 ). A little careful scoping out of a potential spot and pre-clearing rocks and brush does wonders.
Another reason many backpackers advocate ground cloths is to keep out water. It seems even the most carefully fitted ground cloth (a few inches smaller than the tent floor) will eventually get moisture in between the tent floor and the ground cloth. It will keep moisture in and cause condensation and moisture to build up in the tent. Not good!
So, in my opinion (and it’s just that, my opinion. Not a fact. ;) ), a ground cloth is generally not needed for the backpacker who takes a little care with their gear in addition to choosing a site and clearing it appropriately.
There are exceptions, however.
So, when is a ground cloth needed?
There are times when a ground cloth is admittedly a good investment:
A backpacker that mainly “cowboy camps” and use a tarp
For the backpacker that enjoys sleeping under the stars and only uses a tarp in inclement weather, a simple ground cloth is an excellent item to have. Throw it down, put your sleeping pad and sleeping bag on top and enjoy the night sky above. The ground cloth will help protect and keep the dirt out of your sleeping bag and pad, help organize gear a bit and help protects the backpacker from any dew or ground moisture.
A backpacker that uses a floorless shelter or a hammock
Some shelters such as the Megamid do not have the floor for weight-saving reasons. A ground cloth that is smaller than the total footprint of the shelter weighs less and serves the same function as the ground cloth for the cowboy camper above. Hammock campers enjoy using a ground cloth for similar reasons.
Using a shelter or lean-to in such areas as the Appalachian Trail
As others pointed out to me, the wooden floors on the AT style shelters can be dirty and hard on inflatable pads.
A backpacker or camper that beats on the gear or routinely camps in areas that will rough on a tent
Anyone who regularly beats on their equipment, camps in areas that are not ‘gentle’ to tents (some established car campgrounds, very rocky soil, etc.) may indeed want to use a ground cloth to protect their tent.
Peace of mind
If someone is absolutely convinced a ground cloth is needed for their tent, that they probably should get it. They are not expensive and only add a few ounces. All these ‘just in case’ gear items add up, however…
I really need or want a ground cloth. What ground cloth should I buy?
If you decide you need or want a ground cloth for your style of backpacking or camping, then there are a few popular choices.
I will add that if you use a ground cloth for a tent, be sure that it is ~2″ shorter than the tent floor itself. If it is too big, the ground cloth will collect any rain underneath the tent.
I would not suggest trenching as that type of activity is frowned upon in all but emergency situations. Likewise with a more extensive ground cloth and making a lip. Modern tents with bathtub floors and proper site selection are more efficient than these older methods.
The Car Camping Standard – The Blue Tarp
The blue tarp. Seems to be found at every KOA campground, Boy Scout Jamboree and more than one minimalist backpacker has used it as a shelter. And why not? They are inexpensive, reasonably light, reasonably sturdy, and versatile.
They might be overkill for the typical backpacker, however. There are lighter alternatives available. If you are going car camping, they are most useful for a sunshade, a makeshift rain vestibule, and other items around camp. Not a bad item to take for similar reasons if you are base-camping and don’t wish to spend the money on a more expensive tarp. The blue-tarp also works well for a dirt-bagger shelter for a person on a budget. Probably would not use it for a ground cloth, though.
- Use for: A backpacker on a budget, a versatile item if you are car camping or base camping
The Patagucci standard: The fitted footprint
These fitted tent footprints are sold at such stores as REI and EMS to protect your tent. Typically has shock cords or similar to hook directly into a specific tent, they are expensive and cumbersome (adds as much as 16 oz to an already heavy shelter). Like the blue tarp, there are better alternatives. Unlike the blue tarp, they are not cheap, they are not versatile, and they have no practical use.
- Use for: For the backpacker who likes to spend money on un-need items. 🙂
A classic: Painters Drop Cloth (Polyethylene)
Another old warhorse that works well for those on a budget and wants something light that is still durable. A thicker 6mil is bomber, but heavy. A 2mil ground cloth is very light but not too durable for many people. The 3mil seems about right for a compromise between durability and lightness. An ~3’x7′ piece is 3 oz or so for this grade. Other grades are heavier or lighter, depending. Large rolls can be bought if outfitting a lot of people (such as a Boy Scout troop). A slight disadvantage is that the drop cloths do not breathe at all and condensation can build up underneath over the course of a night.
- Use for: A very durable, lightweight and inexpensive solution that works esp. well for large groups
The new classic: Tyvek
A quick way of describing Tyvek is Goretex for houses. Tyvek keeps out the moisture and lets moisture escape. The same properties of Tyvek that works well for housing also work well for a ground cloth. Often found for free near construction sites (ask for some scraps!), it can also be bought online. An approx 5′ x 7′ section is about 7 oz. (as always, cut down to make it lighter) Tyvek is relatively rugged and is reasonably light. It is a nice compromise between weight, price, and durability vs. other items. Flybox gear sells Tyvek at .99 per linear foot at 3′ widths. Some people advocate washing the Tyvek to make it softer, less noisy, and to make it stuff easier without using it many times first.
Cloth grade Tyvek that is often used for kites can also be bought online. This Tyvek is not as stiff as the construction grade, stuffs into a pack easier, and is not as noisy out of the box. This type of Tyvek is not quite as durable and tends to wet-out after a while. Still, it’s properties may be desirable vs. the construction grade Tyvek of above. Less common in use vs. the construction grade.
- Use for: The happy-medium between price, weight, and durability for general backpacking and camping
An Ultralight version of Tyvek: DCF (Cuben Fibre) ground cloths
The DCF ground cloths are light for their size, versatile, breathe well, and somewhat durable especially if a site is chosen with care. A little less than half the weight of Tyvek. However, they are costly! A budget version is $85 and up to $170 for a hyped-up version that weighs 4 oz. The weight is attractive, but if you are looking for a straight up ground cloth instead of something versatile too, other options are going to be just as light and budget friendly if not quite as durable. As an FYI, it should be noted the long-term durability of DCF is in question. But nothing some repair tape can’t handle as it is just a cloth after all.
- Use for: A hiker who wants lightweight versatility and does not mind spending the money.
For the ultra-lite hiker: Polycryo / Window Shrink Wrap Insulation
Polycryo and shrink-wrap Window Insulator are very similar and are both made from polyolefin. These choices of ground cloths are very light (About quarter of the weight of Tyvek and even lighter than DCF) and inexpensive. Not quite as durable as DCF or Tyvek, this choice is durable enough for those who use camp mainly for sleeping and not spending a lot of time in camp. The main disadvantage is that polycryo has the same (minor) condensation problem as the painters drop cloth. The main issue is that polycryo can also shrink in hot weather up to 2″ in width and 5″ in length. NOT suggested for very hot weather hiking. Probably does not apply to most people.
- Use for: The all-day hiker who wants the absolute lightest ground cloth that is still reasonably rugged and will not be in hot hiking conditions.
These are some of the more popular and well-known ground cloth types depending on your needs, budget, and trip aims. Which one you purchase may work better than other choices.
The overall summary of these choices?
- Want to go cheap, durable, inexpensive, and versatile? Blue tarp
- Inexpensive, sells for different thicknesses and weights depending on needs of durability vs lightness, or buying for large groups? Painters drop cloth
- A good mix of durability and lightness, and proven for backpacking use? Construction-grade Tyvek
- Many of the qualities of Tyvek, somewhat less durable but lighter, and don’t mind spending the money? DCF ground cloth
- Want the lightest choice that also happens to be inexpensive and a need for durability is not the main issue? Polycryo/Windowshrink insulation
You nailed it. This is the most comprehensive article I have seen on the subject. Love the pic selections too!
Thanks! GIS is my friend. 😉
Great photo captions! What about space blankets? Cheap and pack down easily.
Space Blankets are an idea indeed. Kind of in the tarp category, though? (If a bit thinner for the mylar type)
Wow, 2 mm and 6 mm polyethylene drop cloths… that is really thick, like sleeping on a slab of plastic 😉 I think you probably mean “mil”…
You are right of course. Late night editing tends to do odd things to the brain. 🙂
OTOH, I think most people understand what I meant, too. 😉
What about standard construction Tyvek that is washed several times in the washing machine? I keep reading that it maintains all it’s properties, yet softens nicely? I wonder if it would hurt the machine in any way though?
No idea what it may do to a washing machine. Good question. I know people who have done it, though. Still slightly heavier than the kite grade, but more durable for sure. Cheers!
Using a wash machine may not be good for the environment.
Neither is procreating, eating meat, driving by yourself, wearing clothes made with petrochemicals, or commuting to work. Choose your poisons carefully. 🙂
Really useful information, thanks for taking the time.
While I agree that ground cloths aren’t very important for tents, I think they are pretty necessary if you are sheltering via tarp. Those plastic sheets & the blue tarp seem kind of bulky, I’m looking for something that will protect me a bit from gushing water and will definitely protect my sleeping pad from puncture and be lightweight. I’m mostly backpacking in Arizona where a punctured sleeping pad is commonplace.
Nothing will protect you from water but proper placement of a campsite I am afraid. 🙂 as for punctures, that is why I use a foam pad. Cheers! If you want to get a ground cloth, a lightweight 2mil painters cloth is light and cheap.
HA! No I want a ground cloth that will let me camp IN the river! Ha ha. OK OK I’ll get some clear drop cloth. I think I already have some from my greenhouse project. Thanks
After growing up in the middle of the rainy Adirondack Park and guiding around the world and throughout the Northeastern US, I believe the art of the groundcloth has been lost? The tarp needs to be at least 6 inches larger than the tent. The way to prevent surface runoff from getting between the groundcloth and the tent floor is to carefully fold the edge of the slightly over sized groundcloth underneath itself to make a rounded lip. This lip is what makes the water run under, not over the groundcloth. The folded lip needs to be just under the… Read more »
Spot on. I almost always recommend a ground cloth, but I have seen many folks make a pretty good pond out of their tent when using a poly cloth that was bigger than the rain fly.
just the info I needed – 6″ bigger than tent & the lip thingy
Great article!
I have switched from tent camping to hammock camping (hennessey). It is a shade over 2 lbs, is comfortable, packs small, sets up in about 3 minutes, has no tent poles, is bug-proof, and it’s waterproof. Since you enter and exit the hammock from underneath it is nice to have a clean ground cover below to step onto (and for your boots/backpack/etc.). Just about anything small (say 3′ x 3′) and light weight is good for this purpose.
I want to set a classic kelty bivy directly on the snow under a pine tree in northern mn where it’s oh so cold. Don’t think I can set the bivy directly on the gournd without getting wet by morn. Plastic might be too slippery directly on snow. Any ideas?
You have a good R value for the sleeping pad(s) correct? Then you should be all set.
My problem is with motorcycle camping, often camp with sites with rock surfaces or jaggers/thorny seed cases (Spain area 5mm round little basta*ds) from plants. I use a spacious lightweight tent with a thin floor. Vango Halo 300. Dry gear and book/map preservation from leaky floor is paramount. PS Camp areas in EU don’t seem to carry Useful tarps.
I use a groundcloth, mostly because I take scouts camping and they tend to be hard on gear. I use a groundcloth that is slightly larger than the tent floor, but put it INSIDE the tent. It protects the floor from things being dragged inside the tent, stuff in pockets, etc., and there is NO WAY for water to get on top of the groundcloth (except for scouts leaving the door open). I have not yet found a downside to this approach. mentioned, bring a ground cloth if you are hard on gear. As a twelve year old Boy Scout at one point, I can agree that qualifies!
One thing you didn’t consider in your article is the geology/geography. Take the SE US for example. Even camping during dry conditions, a vast amount of moisture comes up from the ground and goes up into the tent. Hence the reason the bottom of ones sleeping bag or sleeping pad is so saturated by morning and the sleeper is cold. People think the moisture is coming from the air…but you’d be wrong…it’s coming from the ground. That’s why so many down here in the south swear by plastic sheeting. A simple sheet of plastic, as mentioned in the article, will… Read more »
Good point. My backpacking has mainly been (in my formative years) New England and the West. Could see the utility of a ground sheet when cowboy camping or similar in a moisture saturated area… However, I still think it depends on the amount of camping vs hiking you are doing and site situation as well. More than anything, I think site situation is the ultimate key more so than gear.
Hi there! Which weighs less, a tarp or tyvek? THx!
Depends on the material. Cuben fiber? Silnylon? Nylon?
I have used Tyvek for several years. It is inadequate when the ground is wet or very damp. moisture leaks through.
I’m moving to Plastic.
Which type of Tyvek? Different grades seem to have different results.
If you’ve got some extra dough, I’ve found cuben fiber to be the ultimate “ground cloth” because it’s super light weight, takes tons of abuse (and can easily patched) and has multiple applications such as tent/tarp/bag/pad ground sheet, something to sit/lie on or spread out gear/food and avoid the dirt any time of day, as a pack rain cover, rain gear in a pinch (some are available as dual use ponchos). My 30 X 90 cuben sheet weighs about 70 grams or 2.5 ounces! ZPacks is just one of several suppliers of various and custom sizes. ( Just trying to… Read more »
Peter said everything I was about to write. I felt almost guilty shelling out the dough for it but it has become one of the most versatile pieces we carry. We have used it as tarp, ( the grommets are helpful!), a ground sheet, as an extra way to quickly cover stuff ( and us ) since we can grab it quickly grab the corners and huddle during the afternoon ‘monsoon’ and the perfect “something to ….spread out” stuff on. I love it on a damp morning because my tent bottom stays relatively mud free and I can just scrunch… Read more »
Peter + Don: I ask this out of sheer curiosity. Is there any real point to go cuben fiber/dyneema over polycro? This is a novice speaking, but it seems like they serve almost the same exact purpose (works well as ground cloth or tarp) but the latter is far, far cheeper. Even though cuben fiber has good tear strength it is very susceptible to abrasion. So, it seems (purely from an outside perspective) an unnecessary expense esp if it won’t last. I don’t have the inside perspective of using it and especially of using it for extended use/miles. So, I’m… Read more »
DCF is suspect in the long haul for longevity fwiw.
I used a Polycryo sheet on the JMT (purchased from a gear manufacturer, so the proper stuff). It was often windy setting up camp, and handling the thin plastic was a pain. I put smallish stones on the corners to hold it down. Sometimes when adjusting the sheet it would tear, and I soon ended up with multiple smaller sheets of Polycryo. I then went to Tyvek, more weight but so much easier to use Apart from protection from sharpies under my air mat, the ground cloth keeps the mud off my dcf tent floor, keeping it clean for packing.… Read more »
Great post!
The ground cloth was useful when tents didn’t use to have a bottom or the bottom wasn’t treated with waterproofing. Today, companies take extra care to protect the bottom of the tent whereas a ground cloth is only an extra nuisance for lightweight backpackers. The only reason I use a ground cloth is to keep the mud and pine needles off my tent. Although not as needed as it once was, it still has its uses. Thanks for the informative post.
As suggested i used polycyro on the CDT this year. With care it worked great and each one(cut to size) lasted half way, again as predicted.
Glad to hear!
Wow! Great information in this blog. Thanks for taking the time.
Hi. Great article, thanks. Beginner hiker from South Africa here. I work in the fruit industry and we use thin aerothene foam for packaging. I am thinking this would be great ground cover for cowboy camping to protect an inflatable mattress. Ever heard of anyone using this? Do you think it will work?
I have not heard of anyone using it personally. Looks like open cell foam, though, and may soak up water? Not sure..could always try it and see how it works. Would definitely be light and help protect a less durable mattress.
Great info, what I have been looking for, and I have been camping in Malaysia for a long time. Thank you.
I’m working on a new polycryo sheet and was brain-storming about a top and bottom layer of the normal sheet with a mylar layer in middle to reflect heat back. Any thoughts or experiences trying this? This would have the advantage of decent durability with some degree of R-value.
I was thinking of using a fine coating of spray adhesive to hold the layers together and then tape or melt the edges.
Sounds good in theory esp for winter. Give it a whirl!
Hey Paul…..greetings and Happy New Year from New England. Very, very good article….and great comments. I bought a Tyvek ground cloth for my Tarptent Bowfin1….for my “failed” 2018 AT thru-hike (primarily for the tent). Where I found it invaluable was as a protective ground cover for shelter floors. After spending big money for sleeping bag and pad, I was grateful for having it (those familiar with high-use shelters on the AT know how filthy they can get). I am making another thru-hike attempt this coming spring – the Tyvek will be coming with me. Incidentally, age, knees, back and 64… Read more »
Awesome! Have fun on your next trek!