Stikky Tracks and Stikky Night Skies

In this day of apps and similar electronic information, there is still a place for books.

I find that visual information or even thumbing at random in comprehensive print books still has a charm and aesthetic that electronic books can’t quite replicate.

With these thoughts in mind, when Joan and I received a chance to review the Stikky Tracks and Stikky Night Skies books, we eagerly agreed.

The authors wrote the books in a whimsical style that makes them engaging, informative, in-depth enough for adults, and easy for children to read.

From Stikky

The illustrations add to the text without overwhelming the information conveyed.

From Stikky

Joan, who teaches children in the field as part of her current occupation, loves the ease of use,  the format, and the size that fits quite nicely in a pack full of spare clothes, water, a first aid kit, WAG bags, and other items when teaching children out in the desert.

For scale AND delicious on the trail.

I enjoyed the NEXT STEPS section, where you can find additional links for apps, books, other resources, and more in-depth information about what these books introduced.

Overall, it is an excellent couple of books that make learning enjoyable. And $12 each, very affordable. Buy both books, learn something, and enjoy the engaging reading.

Disclosure – Stikky Books provided these books for our review.

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