Beer Thirty – Copper to Frisco

One of my favorite hikes is what I call the Beer Thirty Hike.

An approx ~14 mile stroll from Copper Mtn to Frisco mainly along the CT/CDT with a veering off the main trail to walk directly into Frisco for a beer. The free shuttle bus back to Copper makes this hike a wonderful one way jaunt.

In contrast to last weekend, this hike featured perfect Colorado fall weather. Sunny, blue skies. Warm sun. Beautiful views and blazing aspen almost at peak. Could I have asked for a better day?

The hike started off at Copper Mountain as we climbed steeply up the switchbacked trail. Shortly thereafter, we popped above treeline and enjoyed views towards where we came and saw the splash of color on the hillside.

We continued along the ridge and enjoyed the now easy hiking along the rolling ridge.

At the top of the ridge, a leisurely break was had (and a call for a MGP among the crew!)

We made our way down the trail and back into treeline. Luckily, a storm that was brewing blew over quickly.

As we made our way down the trail, I see a familiar site. Light pack, heavy beard, trailrunners and hiking poles. A thru-hiker…and a thru-hiker I knew from PCT circles: Free Fall!

We talked for approx a half-hour. I suspect we would have talked longer..but I did not want to subject some of the crew members to too much trail talk. (Thru-hikers have a habit of discussing trail..perhaps too much..when we see each other! )

After this delightful exchange, the crew headed down the trail. We shortly came to our junction, veered off the CT/CDT and followed the Peaks Trail that leads directly into Frisco.

This delightful trail meanders along a stream and has wonderful views towards the nearby mountains.

This trail also featured many stands of aspen groves getting very close towards peak season.

The trail (and beer!) was almost close. One last look before we hit the bike path into town had Buffalo Mountain framed by a splash of fall color.

We quickly reached the local bike path, hiked perhaps another 10 minutes to the local brew pub and feasted on post-hike chow. Mmmmmm….

Thus satiated, we grabbed the free bus back to Copper, walked to our cars..and who did we see about to go to Copper? Free Fall!!!!

We talked some more. I so wanted to grab a beer with him..but, well, I think my friends wanted to get home at this point for some odd reason.

We all wished Free Fall well on his continued southbound journey. I grabbed some coffee, drove home and concluded a perfect Fall romp in the Colorado mountains.


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Casey Burnett
12 years ago

Emily & I did this two weeks ago. It was logistically fun. Lovely beer in Frisco. We noted a “northern” option ~12miles and might go back this week.
