Signs of the Outdoors – Part 1

My friend LB recently posted an article that struck a chord with me: Signs from outdoor travels he found interesting for one reason or another.

Not the VERY IMPORTANT SIGNS such as the start and end of trails, but amusing riffs on “no trespassing”  or interesting trail names. Or others.

As I started adding my signs to his thread, I realized I should share the signs I found amusing in my years of travels. I have too many to share in one post, so I thought I’d share it over the next two or three weeks.

So here’s the first part of the article directly inspired by LB. Thank you, sir!

Read part two here…







  • Accurate sign as I discovered late one evening at Caprock Canyon State Park.  The park ranger told me they use more signs than any other state park in Texas!


  • The first rule of the Candian Fight club is there is no “Canadian Fight Club!”  From Waterton National Park.




  • The private property sign along the Great Divide Trail seems to reflect the polite Canadian stereotype.




  • No snark commentary, I just like this sign I saw on a fire-closure alternate I did near Lake Louise when hiking in Canada.



  • Not a trail, please turn around!


An old wagon wheel simply engraved “Rebecca Winters, Aged 50 Years.”







  • If I felt any hubris over my 500-mile loop in New Mexico, the woods let me know exactly how they felt about my walk the very day I finished.

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4 years ago

Have you seen this one?

The Bells.jpg