A few ambles and rambles in the month of January
Janaury was fun for outside wanderings, too. I missed three ski weekends (wah!) due to Germany (yay!) .
It was a great trip full of much culture, history and FOOD.
All I can say is that I love my future in-laws..wonderful nice people. 🙂
The future mother-in-law in particular spoiled the heck out of me. I don't speak German or Polish, she does not speak English. We still communicated. How? By food of course! All homemade food from scratch. Mmmm mmm The international language:Fill up your loved ones with food until they burst. 😉
In any case, I did get two weekends of skiing. Here's a few photos:
Just below the divide near Roger's Pass
A 'bit' windy at 11000 or so feet
The Continental Divide looks awesome in winter however!
Finally, this is how we roll in Colorado. Pregnant, skinning up 1800' vert gain and then skiing down.