Though Gaia GPS is my “go-to” app for navigation, I find other apps make a useful adjunct to this trusty tool.
I like the Atlas Guide (Guthook) app for trail-specific routes and other apps work identifying peaks or even the night sky.
And one app I use that intrigues people? The “GPS Essentials” app for the Android platform (Sorry, no iOS version.)
I’ve never used the tracking, route info, or map aspects of this app.
So what I find so useful on this app? The dashboard!
At a glance, I have the traditional GPS info such as LAT and LONG and UTM coordinates, but also the phase of the moon, sunset time, declination, the altitude, etc. And you can add other info, customize the dashboard for your particular needs, and generally set up the panel the way that suits you best.
Sure, Gaia GPS and similar tools give me some of this info. However, the GPS Essentials app’s dashboard gives me this info very quickly, succinctly, and easily. Furthermore, I don’t carry an altimeter watch. Though not a true replacement of an altimeter watch, the info is good enough for my navigation needs.
So, if you want a useful, and FREE, adjunct to your other apps for your Android platform, consider downloading GPS Essentials.
I’m with you on this one Paul. I’ve found it to be my go to combination with physical maps, it lets me quickly get all of the details I need at a glance. I tend to use ViewRanger for GPS based navigation, but find them all far too much if I just want to quickly know lat/long/alt. Where as GPS essentials can be setup to do that quickly. Really worth a look, great for the high level of customization but can’t say it is an intuitive program.