After nearly two years of not posting a video, I thought maybe a good time to upload one again.
What is it like to live in Moab? What challenges does a person face living here? What do we enjoy about living here?
- Further reading about “Brave New West” by Jim Stiles
- If you want to purchase it. (It went up quite a bit since I bought it used a couple of years back!)
- Or get it via an inter-library loan for free!
What accent? 😉 Nice video to get people to think about what they should consider if they want to move to a town like that. I recently read “Powder Days” by Heather Hansman and she touched on a lot of the same issues. We live in Providence and I’d love to live in the mountains, but we are fairly close to everything – beaches, mountains, restaurants, culture – if we want to go there. There are trade-offs wherever one lives. I guess you didn’t have a zeppole for St. Joseph’s Day?
Cool! Thanks for the book suggestion!
Alas, no zeppole in our high desert town. I did make some last year, though. Not too bad!
Here they are!
They look delicious! Living out there you have to make it yourself if you want it. No quick trips to Scialo Brothers or LaSalle Bakery!
Have not changed a bit in 20 yrs!! Good to see you
Ha! A lot more gray in my beard when I grow it out. 😉
Very informative, Paul! A lot of what you describe accurately depicts what happened in nearby Durango after I moved away in the early 90s.
Durango’s another expensive place as well!