Last Push: AZ and NM to Colorado

These past few weeks have been more socially oriented. Unlike the first phase of the road trip, I have spent more time with other people. And experiencing a bit of culture.

The first phase saw me having remote campsites in lonely and places typically unseen by many.

These past few weeks? Except for my time in Bears Ears, I spent it among the company of many people. And a lot more driving.

Those are not complaints just an observation that the tempo of the trip changed a bit.

Many generous people opened up their homes to me, and I enjoyed my time spent with them all. I’m lucky!

After my short J-Tree trip I made my back to Colorado for some engagements I have coming up next week. Some plans in Colorado this past week fell through. Which, oddly, worked out well. I’m a bit tired and a few days just to take it leisurely were welcome!  And next week? The work begins. I have my presentations, some clerical tasks to address and similar loose ends, and something new that I’ll be announcing next week.

In the meantime, the time I made miles in a quick period of time punctuated by some short pitstops.

The history buff in me could not pass up a pitstop to the Patton Museum.

And some quiet dispersed camping was found on BLM land.

And the sunset view as not bad at all.

I pushed through New Mexico via I-40. And I took advantage to explore ABQ a bit. I’ve only driven through the city in the past. I was pleasantly surprised with the town. Excellent food was partaken of course. But the city itself was more mellow than Denver or Phoenix. And I found the old town area to be a worthy place to spend some time.

And the Petroglyph National Monument at the edge of the city was a delight to explore.

Macaw petroglyph. Indicative of trade with the Meso-American culture to the south.

I’m a little tired. But eagerly looking forward to the next phase!

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