What started as a planned backpacking weekend turned into two nights of camping.
An easy transition for us; we always pack our vehicle with the trip essentials and always have food and other supplies ready to go.
We always pack a cooler for the end of trips, and for a weekend, pack up the 2.5-gallon water jug.
We can pivot from backpacking to camping easily.
Why did we camp instead of backpack? We found the road conditions much better than expected, and two loops hikes with some camping in between proved the perfect way to experience spring in our local mountains.
Meaning wildflowers, butterflies, creeks, a bit of snow, and views of southeast Utah.
And seeing one of the highest Ancestral Pueblo dwellings in the area.
While backpacking is our preferred means of exploring the backcountry, we just enjoy any time spent in the wilds. And two nights out camping in some secluded spots fills this need for us.