The Trail Show #19 featuring Vermont’s Catamount Trail and a winter theme.
Episode #19! – Today we bring you our first ever Friday the 13th show – Happy Holidays and Boo! On this month’s episode we hear some ski talk and discuss Embrace the Brutality, the Bad Wizard and Billville with guest Shane “Jester” O’Donnell live in studio, Mags does a gear review (gasp), outdoor trips over the past month, the Noodleheads Top 10, a bunch of shout-outs, Mailbag, Bad Bologna and Mags’ review of Nat Geo’s phenomenal video “Crosssing the Ice.”
And as always … Beer O’ Da Month (courtesy of Front Range Brewing Company), Trail News with Mags, Trail O’ Da Month (Catamount Trail), Disco’s Trail Tip O’ Da Month and Ask-A-Hiker with D-low.
Thanks goes to the Lone Tree Twosome for sponsoring the December show and thanks to all the businesses, breweries and most importantly, the listeners for making 2013 a stellar year for The Trail Show!!
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- @Trailshow