Joan’s only spent a handful of days home in the past month.
Joan did not spend much time in our desert home with her two-week program at Crow Canyon, a road trip to Eugene with her parents, and an additional week with her sister in Eugene.
We need some time out in some quiet places around our home.
With thunderstorms in the high country and heat followed by torrential rain on the desert floor, we decided to go to the mesa between these two places.
Overall, the mesa outside Moab and beneath the La Sals gets light use.
But with the light use means available camping, quiet hikes, and, being mesas, stunning scenery overlooks the valleys below. And only a forty-five-minute drive from home.
The map indicated a particular place would give a stunning view. And the map lived up to its promise.
That night, a torrential came in. But our cozy camp nestled in the ponderosas engendered an excellent night’s sleep.
The rain came, the sun came out, and we hiked along another mesa we had to ourselves.
Part of the reason we cut our trip somewhat short on Sunday? We “popped our antenna.” to look up something, and our jaws dropped when we saw Moab’s floods.
What damage, to any, happened to our home? What damage occurred? Will it rain again tonight?
Many area businesses suffered, and the local bike path system will stay closed in the immediate future. Our house, a mile from the downtown core and slightly higher in elevation, seemed OK.
So it goes for outdoor recreation and the communities around it, for now, and into the future.