So long to The Trail Show

After more than three years of beer, trails and nonsense,  it is time for me to move on.

I’ve enjoyed my time co-hosting The Trail Show podcast, but thought it has run its course for me.

  • I’ve had to withdraw from the time bank to talk about the outdoors rather than being outdoors.

  And on more than one occasion…including my birthday! 🙂    When I am inside discussing the outdoors, rather than hiking, camping, skiing or backpacking, I’m perhaps not the happiest camper on many levels. 😉

  • Speaking of the time bank, I’m a busy person. 

My day job can be very busy at times..even in the off hours. I volunteer a fair amount. And I’ve been actively writing for this website and other places. The nice thing about writing is that I can write during my lunch break, later at night and whenever I am motivated. Coordinating four people, our schedules  and sometime a guest? More difficult.

  •  I get bored doing the same thing regularly.  

A failing on my part. But the same hikes, the same job, the same places..and yes, the same podcast, year-after-year and it starts to feel less fun.

  • The Mrs. and I have plans coming up over the course of the year. See above about the time bank.

No, it does not involve having children! 🙂 But the plans we have coming up will make us busy.

  • Different direction of where we want to take things. 

As any reader of this blog will notice, the long trails and the lifestyle around them are less important to me than even five years ago. Part of it is, of course, I am at a different place in my life. The other part is that my outdoor interests are more than the long trails. Or rather , something I’ve long felt: The long trails are  a way to experience more time outdoors rather than an end in itself.  

I love being outdoors in different ways and discussing the issues faced concerning the outdoors.  My friends perhaps wanted a more lighthearted show about the designated long trails and routes, the lifestyle around them and some of the personalities found in the community.  I think I wanted something more along the lines of High Country News combined with TrailGroove in many ways.

Both visions have their place. But they are incompatible in some ways. We all love being outdoors but our experiences and perceptions of how we view the outdoors are perhaps different.


I wish my friends good luck. It was just time for me to move on. Naturally they understood and were very gracious. And I’m sure there is a chance I will guest host at some point and enjoy a pint or two!

I want to thank Mike, Felicia, Lawton, our many guests and our awesome listeners for a wonderful three+ years.

It has been fun.

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Wayne Norman
Wayne Norman
8 years ago

Sir, It’s been a pleasure listening to you for these many episodes. Enjoy spending more time with your wife and in the outdoors. (And looking forward to you guest hosting on many, many shows.)

8 years ago

Thanks for your time on the show. I always enjoyed your perspective and thought that if I were a good friend of one of the Trail Show hosts that you’d be that friend. (Just that I relate to your perspective on things the most). Enjoy your adventures over the years ahead!

Mike (aka GoalTech)

8 years ago

Oh say it ain’t so, Mags! I haven’t even finished thru-hiking the entire run yet (just now on Ep. 32), and I always appreciate the grounding influence you provide to the whole affair (at least until the last half hour or so). All sadness aside, I can completely understand the competing priorities, the limited funds in the time bank, and the urge to press on to new ground. I wish you all the best on the trail ahead. You will be sorely missed. At least I still have another roughly 30 hours of bears, trails, and nonsense with you before… Read more »

8 years ago

Best of luck on your new creative/outdoor endeavors. I do want to thank you for reaching out to me about the Florida Trail two years ago! I very much appreciated the opportunity to chat and glad y’all had an open mind. 🙂 Happy hiking!

6 years ago
Reply to  Misti

I just found the trail show a month ago because of this episode! Still my favorite so far

8 years ago

Oh, no! This Mainah will greatly miss your New Englandness… I love the show no matter what but you make it infinitely more relatable for me as a diehard New England girl… no word of a lie! Best of luck and I’ll look forward to any guest appearances you may make on TTS. =)

Another Kevin
8 years ago

We can’t all keep doing the same thing forever. Best of luck in doing the next thing! And thanks for being the little voice of sanity that says that the trail is a means to an end, and the end is getting Out There. I weary of all the goal-oriented badasses who think theirs is the only way.

8 years ago

Totally understand but am sorry to hear that. You are my favorite “character” on the show. I will definitely miss your more serious and thoughtful take on things. Best of luck to you!

8 years ago

I really enjoy listening to the show and will miss your input. Great that a fellow RhoDilandah was on it.

Buddy Sessoms
Buddy Sessoms
8 years ago

The entire team had a fun dynamic but you were my favorite member of the show. I really enjoyed your historical and literary perspectives. It has been a really great run and your time was truly appreciated.

Look forward to your blog and Trail Groove contributions.

Take care,

David Sugeno
David Sugeno
8 years ago

Hate it that you’re leaving the show, but good for you for doing what’s right for you and your family. But dang, it sure ain’t gonna be the same….

8 years ago

I hope you keep on writing.

8 years ago

Thank you for all your hard work on the Trail Show. I find podcast like this a tremendous valuable gift for my sanity. Since getting outdoors is very rare at this time in my life. I wish you the very best in your future life travels.

8 years ago

Sorry to hear you’re leaving the show, Mags. You will be missed. Have fun out there, and happy trails!

8 years ago

Late to the party, but wish you and the Mrs. Best of luck. It seems incomprehensible that it has been 4 years since I’ve been on the trail, but, life gets in the way.


Fran Serna
Fran Serna
8 years ago

Nooooooooo (starting in a high pitched scream and slowly lowering in volume as if swallowed by quicksand). This is sad news Mr Mags, your slightly philosophical inputs were always my favorite parts of the show. You will be missed in the podcast space but appreciated for the time and effort you spend on the blog. It makes perfect sense though that you will reconsider the time bank allocations as time passes and your interests change. Thanks for all the trail news and thoughtful yet fun commentary.