Off to the Mountains


I will be gone sometime this Friday until Labor Day weekend.

A solo backing trip with some off-trail fun with some car camping and sight seeing later.

I (half) jokingly think that there is a trend that any backpacking trip more than 50 miles needs a catchy acronym. And since I call this trend alphabet soup hiking, I figure it is appropriate to call my loop the BLT. A sandwich goes well with soup after all… (The Mags’ BLT has capicola, provolone and roasted peppers however. Close enough).

But, perhaps David Chenault of Bedrock and Paradox had the best acronym: JAWJust Another Walk.

And that’s what it is.  A walk…and by taking that walk a chance to be out for a week hiking and also to camp and take in side trips afterwards.

A chance to be outside.

I’ll have maps..but there won’t be a map set when I’m done.  And there won’t be any GPX coordinates to download after.

Hopefully there will be some pretty photos. And probably a trip report.

And, more importantly, I’ll have a chance to be doing what I love: Being outside in some wild spaces.


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