For a brief span, mainly when I worked in a beige box and would monitor such things, a person posted about a deal on Mass Drop for ExOfficio Give-N-Go Boxers.
Now, I usually would not care too much about underwear. But my plans to quit my job and start another chapter in my life’s story came about the same time as this deal occurred. Since I’d be hiking, backpacking, camping, and traveling for a year, I know I’d need some new briefs. Easily cleaned, quick drying, and lasting. My comfy cotton boxers did not seem practical for the upcoming year.
When I used to hike in shorts only, not an item I cared about. But I find that when hiking in long pants, I prefer to wear briefs. At least for me, I find the sweat wicks away, I stay cooler, and I am less prone to chafing.
The ExOffico briefs are on the loose fitting side, breath well, and are incredibly comfortable. Be it backpacking through the desert or mountains, driving between destinations, typing up an article in a small town library, or exploring interesting new areas from a basecamp, this humble but essential piece of clothing served me well for over a year in a variety of conditions. And continue to do so to the present time.
The ExOfficio Give-N-Go Boxers are somewhat pricey at $20-$25 ea. However, if you are willing to buy in multi-packs for your size when available and purchase less popular colors, these briefs are only about $15 ea. And how I bought two new pairs, recently. Or not much more money than some purchases at discount stores that I tried and found lacking. Much more comfortable and breathable I find. And just as important, they last! I’ve been using the ExOfficio briefs for well over a year now and don’t see any reason to purchase anything else or try something different.
People looking for a more athletic fit and more activity (running, hiking) purpose briefs might prefer something different. However, I find the versatility for many different activities welcome.
I plan on road tripping, guiding, and going on an extended hike again this coming summer. And the ExOfficio Give-N-Go Boxers will be the briefs I plan on packing for the coming trip and activities.
Where to buy? Amazon consistently has good prices. However, if there are leftovers from the previous year in your size, they will be available on the ExOffico site.
Disclosure: I purchased the briefs with my funds.
I’ve used the women’s version (panties) for the past 10 years, at home as well as out on the trail. In fact, I still have three pair that are 11 years old and still holding up!
Rinse out,hang for an hour and they finish drying on the body in 20 minutes or so. They are far more breathable than the usually recommended cotton!
I used to get mine through Sierra Trading until I found out that Costco sells a 3-pack for $25. I’ve tried many others, but after these, no need to look elsewhere.
I’ll have to look next time I’m in Costco when I visit the Front Range. Thx for the tip!
I prefer the fly-less mesh version…..and crazy colors allows it to do double-duty as a swimsuit in those instances on extended trips where skinny dipping may be ill advised! I recall a Maine “dip” where a leach lodged near my……never mind. No fly – cool mesh….you’re right, amigo. Will last for ever!
Just curious if you’ve tried the 32 degrees boxer briefs that Costco also sells? I think they are about half the price of the Give and Go boxers. When I compare the two, they appear to be about the same in terms of features. Hard to decide which ones to buy.
No. Alas, I am now 3+ hrs from the nearest Costco.