Embrace the weather

Cold weather just means dressing differently.

It is tempting to stay inside.

Sip that coffee.  Watch another round of forgettable television. Maybe get in yet another engaging discussion on what wind shirt is best.

I have a better idea.

Even if it just a walk in the local open space, get out.


Road are terrible?

We are outdoors people.

Dress appropriately.

And enjoy.

Be it on foot.

Or skis.

And this is why the negative.#winter temperatures are embraced in the #Colorado #backcountry @rockynps

A photo posted by Paul Mags (@pmagsco) on

The cold air will be bracing.

The head will be cleared.

And you will be relaxed.

And that hot cuppa joe will be even better.

And the wind shirt discussion?


Will that EVER really be better???? 😉

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8 years ago

Heck yes! We went snowshoeing in RMNP this past weekend, -8 degrees and all…if every inch of skin is covered you can stay comfortable. And no crowds!