Car-less in Boulder – Let’s go to the foothills

No car means my weekend plans had to be changed

Due to some rodents, my vehicle was out of commission.

Wires chewed, a sensor destroyed and even the car’s computer had to essentially be re-booted. (This sounds too much like various iterations of my day job!)

This would have been the third weekend in a row without any type of hiking, skiing or backpacking.

I was getting grumpy. A bit irritable. Throw in a busy work week, and someone was hinting that I was becoming the “grumpster” again.

I normally do not hike the foothills in Boulder this time of the year, but I needed some sort of hiking fix.

My buddy Markhamm, being a busy family man, hikes the foothills quick and hard early on a weekend morning or at night.  I joined him two weeks ago for a night excursion and he was nice enough to let me join him for a Sunday morning excursion as well.

It was not the overnight trip I planned, but it was just enough to help take the edge off.

At 7 AM, Markhamm and I went to the still flood-damaged trailhead for Gregory Canyon.

We hiked with our coffee in hand as that is just how we roll!

We encountered and ice slick and made some moves that would not be out of place at a Russian Ballet recital.  I had ignored my own advice to an out of towner on Reddit and did not pack in any microspikes. 🙂

In any case, we made our way up at a good clip (even with coffee in hand!)

Gregory Canyon is one of my favorite places in Boulder with a wonderful view to the town below. In the early morning light of February, the view itself was esp pleasant.





The high point was soon reached for the day and cruised along a bit. Some  local wildlife was spotted.

The iPhone is not good for zoomed photos

We soon reached the Saddle Rock junction and made our way down.

The trail still had noticeable damage from the flood of 2013. And was very slick in some areas. I was again reminded of my own advice that I ignored…

A sketchy section that we muddled our way through.

The trailhead was reached again by 9 AM to complete the loop.

Already, the quiet and solitude of the morning was giving away to the weekend crowds on this warm Sunday.

The hike was just what I needed.

As I write this post, my car is now done.

I don’t care where I go this weekend, but I am backpacking somewhere.

I need to be sleeping in the outdoors. I am craving it.

For now, a quick hike in the foothills was just enough to scratch the itch. And to make me a tad less grumpy.


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