Busy at The Homestead

When I budgeted time for guiding and writing my book, I thought I’d be able to guide in the morning and write in the afternoons and days when not guiding.

However, living in Moab in the spring means many visitors seeing us. Since January, we’ve had seventeen people stay overnight and quite a few others camp nearby who we’ve seen while they’ve been in Moab.  More than one person has slept on a blow-up queen bed surrounded by our gear collection. 🙂

I’ve enjoyed catching up, introducing Joan to my friends, and showing the place we call home.

With “Allgood” at Balance Rock in Arches. PCO Six Moon Designs

We love sharing our home, cooking some meals, and letting our friends see the life we are creating for ourselves.
And we also show off some of our backyard, of course. Oh, there is the typical grand desert view of sweeping landscapes with the hoodoos, arches, and the vast land of red rock.  But we enjoy showing the more subtle aspects, too.

Claret cactus bloom

There are only so many hours in the timebank and those hours have to get spent wisely. I’d rather see and spend time with my friends than, say, work on a website when not guiding and or working on the book.

Hunting scene with an atlatl.

So I hope people don’t mind the scarcity of posts, lately.  But unlike my past life where the time banks funds ended up being depleted with a “Weekly Crisis of the Century” and having to push emergency bug fixes (yet again), I think the current spending of my time bank funds seems much more enjoyable. Meaning, catching up with friends, showing off the red rock desert, cooking meals and sharing our kitchen table, getting paid to hike, and writing a book all seem a much better reason to be a less prolific blogger than in my recent past. 🙂

I can’t complain. And dare I say, I am happy?

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5 years ago

Blogs are fine, and I enjoy yours, but not if it becomes a burden for you! We only live once!

5 years ago

Happy for you! & we’ll enjoy them whenever you have time to post–Celebrate Life! (& those Claret flwers are gorgeous!)