Spring time Colorado Trail stroll

Cam Honan of The Hiking Life was in town after visiting his family in Australia.

Before heading back to his current home in Mexico, he gave an excellent talk on his Copper Canyon traverse .

We were also able to catch up and touch base about a project we are working on together.

And part of that catching up was a nice little stroll along The Colorado Trail for ~10 miles or so during a nice spring day.

Teresa Martinez of the CDTC, was nice enough do the the shuttle for us so we could do the one way hike.

This stretch is known for the Buffalo Creek Fire back in 1996.

The fire was destructive, but twenty years later, the landscape is slowly recovering.

At the high point of the trip, we had sweeping views of the outlying foothills The Colorado Trail meanders through and near.  I forgot how pleasant this section of the trail can be.

High point of the day. I am giving a piratical "grrr!". PCO The Hiking Life

High point of the day. I am giving a piratical “grrr!”. PCO The Hiking Life

We started our descent towards the North Fork of the South Platte. We exited the trees and again entered a burn area. The area was stark, but beautiful.

The Platte was reached just as Teresa pulled up. Great timing!

We drove away on the wide road that was an old rail bed. Some remnants of the old whistle stop were still present. Including a hotel that saw its last customer in 1934.

The three of us enjoyed a late lunch at Zoka’s where Cam and I showed off our similar fashion sense for backcountry  clothing!

A nice little spring jaunt and a great way to catch up with a friend.



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