My original weekend plans had me looking forward to a winter backpacking trip.
The weather did not cooperate.
With 80F temps in town, I knew the snow would be crappy up higher.
And access to the local mountains was curtailed due to a wildfire. In March..yikes. :O
My buddy Mark invited me to go climbing.
I have not been climbing in over two years.
I almost didn’t go. The problem with being comfortable being by myself is the tendency to become a hermit esp on weekends.
But Mark nudged me. And I had a great time.
I’ll never be a genuinely good climber. I don’t do climb enough.
But even at my level (5.6 or 5.7…but I did do my first 5.9 this weekend. 🙂 ), I find climbing has helped my scrambling and backpacking skill set. Of course, expanding what is known in the outdoors is only helpful in general!
Climbing has helped me be comfortable with more exposure when backpacking, finding good foot and hand holds when scrambling, and route finding on the micro scale that has only helped my off-trail jaunts.
And the people I was with all day?
They were patient with my rustiness, encouraging in performing my first 5.9, and gave excellent advice to help make my climbing more efficient.
And above all, it was fun.
A good solid day of brushing up on some skills that only help my overall time in the outdoors. Not a bad way to spend some free time.
Oh, there was beer, too. Of course. 🙂
Awesome! Where did you climb – Clear Creek? That seems to be the best brewery stop after a day of climbing 🙂
Indeed. Tiers of Zion to be precise.