Quick review – Groundhog clone tent stakes

Tent stakes.

Something simple yet such a crucial item. Good stakes hold your shelter down, keep it in place, and make for a pleasant night’s sleep when it rains and the wind picks up.

Crappy stakes? Your tent blows away, and you reenact every terrible 1980s movie that features a camping scene.

Kind of like this???

Yet most tents have aluminum stakes that bend, tend to pop out, and are heavy.

And yet, I still have a collection of them from over the years.

There are many better options for weight, holding power, or other attributes.

But, for my money, the best all-purpose stakes are the MSR Groundhog stakes.

It’s a Groundhog-style one.

Slightly less than half an ounce or about 14 grams, they balance weight, durability, and holding power, have versatility for different conditions, and work well.

And an appropriate review for Feb 2nd.

Though I’ve used the Groundhogs minis for solo use well (lighter, smaller, similar shape) with my quick camps and longer hiking days, the MSR Groundhogs work well for our two-person shelter of choice, longer nights in camp during winter and have better-holding power in the terrain we call home.

In use one fine winter evening. PCO Joan.

However. at $3 ea. The stakes are somewhat expensive.

During my recent budget tent review, one reader noted I linked some budget versions of the Groundhogs stakes. As he said, “12 for the price of two.”

I find they work at least 90% as well for a less expensive price, and we use them constantly. And more color options as well!

They are made of the same material, have a similar weight, and have a similar design. They work well enough. And what we’ve used for our backpacking tent and our car camping tent, too.

Need some other budget options?  The clone Cyclone stakes we use for sandy or windy areas with our car camping tent and our truck tarp also work well.  Nature Hike used to sell MSR mini clones, but I can’t seem to find them anymore. I still have and use them. I suspect there are others out there.

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Colorado Jones
Colorado Jones
1 year ago

Continuing in this vein, I personally use the 9″ yellow plastic tent stakes that are sold at most local sporting goods stores for deadman stakes when camping on snow. At 95 cents per stake (assuming you don’t have a pile sitting in your garage already), they’re way cheaper than REI or MSR “snow” stakes at $6/each with only a slight weight penalty. Just drill a hole in the center of each stake, attach a guyline, and bury horizontally.