Off to the Outdoor Retailer trade show. in Salt Lake City. For the next few days, I’ll be with the CDTC as we work a booth and form some partnerships with outdoor retailers to help out the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail. And our silly little podcast is doing a show down there, too.
I probably won’t give the usual gear reviews typical for people going to this show. There are better blogs for that topic. There may be a beer report, however. You can’t just have one….. 🙂
If you’re gonna go with a locally brewed, widely-available porter, skip the Polygamy Porter. It’s alright, but Kings Peak Porter from Uinta Brewing is far superior according to most palates, as verified in a blind taste testing with a few hikertrash friends. Also the name is awesome.
Had some Kings Peak Porter..good stuff! Very tired after a few days there. Like being trapped in REI for three+ days. 🙂