Joan and I found ourselves with an unexpected long weekend due to some friends changing plans.
We used the gift of time to spend two nights out on an obscure Jeep track where we could camp in solitude and enjoy two full days of hiking once we made our camp.
And what hikes we had available from camp along the canyon rims and into the canyon!

Umbrella season for Joan.
We found a wash and picked our way through the canyon dry fall to the canyon bottom.
We saw structures along the canyon wall, and a crack in the cliff face let us scramble up to get a closer look at the structures.
We thought to go further up the canyon, but the deep pools and thick willows during this wet spring made us reconsider and walk the rim instead.
Our second night proved equally rewarding, with some good food, a few drinks, and the quiet desert night lending itself to another enjoyable evening.

PCO Joan
The following day we did a meandering hike along some old roads forgotten by many. But the people who traveled before it populated by jeeps indicated travel along this path long before we came this way.
Our weekends aren’t exciting by many standards. But we continue to cherish the beauty and life we made for ourselves out here in our desert home.