Some items of interest from the great outdoors.
- A terrible list for the ranking of national parks. I say terrible because ranking parks by what expensive lodging and amenities is available are akin to ranking schools by how well a university does at sports.
- Brilliant, if slimy, marketing by the North Face and their editing of Wiki pages to show their products in well-known places.
- When two Ultralighters meet. By Jupiter Hikes.
- Not exactly leave no trace.
- Black bears get smarter every day!
- A bit snowy out west with 500%+ snowpack in Colorado alone.

Members of the Summit County Rescue Group atop the approach to Quandary Peak during the rescue of stranded hikers, May 2017. This year’s incredible snowpack means Quandary may not be hikeable until August.
Helen Rowe / Courtesy of Summit County Rescue Group
- It’s a crappy situation when dispersed camping is threatened
- Peak athletic performance? It is all about the calories.
No matter how hard I try, I just can’t get my beard right to pull off the sub 7lb base weight.