At this time of the year, we enjoy car camping as a way to enjoy hikes that lend themselves better to day hikes rather than backpacking.
A hike we took last weekend proved a classic example of this type of trip. We left mid-afternoon Friday, found a camping spot near our hiking destination, and walked from the truck the following morning.
The area we hiked in is only about an hour’s drive away and is something we are scoping out for a future packrafting trip in the spring.
But on a cold, late fall day, the current hiking trail (and older ranching/ming road. And before that? An even older travel path.) by the meandering river proved an enjoyable hike in its own right.
And the day may have been a bit on the raw side weather-wise; it just means time for some different gear and clothes to enjoy this time of the year.

Joan with her trusty umbrella.
Further along the river walk, we spied some obvious signs of previous travelers, including a discarded tool near a small alcove.
And more of those intricate images I always enjoy seeing.
The sun did peek out for a small bit and brought out the reds this area of the world is so well-known for.
And the images I missed before…

Drinking gourd?
But the weather did not hold, and signs of the snow to come that evening appeared.
Though we don’t mind camping in the snow, driving icy and twisty roads is another story.
We headed home and enjoyed a warm and dry evening out of the cold.
Sunday saw us poking around and exploring even closer.
And though we did not quite find what we originally sought along the canyon walls, an additional day in the high desert never fails to bring us some contentment.