Birthday in the La Sals

My lovely wife enjoys a very part-time job that gives her a lot of satisfaction. She gets to show new volunteers archeological sites that they will, in turn, steward.

Again, immersing ourselves into an area we increasingly call home.

That means we left in the afternoon on Saturday for a quick overnighter to celebrate Joan’s birthday.

We caught the last fall color in our local mountains and thought we saw it just right.

We ended up following a ridge that we had to ourselves with outstanding views of our local range.

Including a memorable sunset from our campsite.

For Joan’s birthday, I packed in a feast of some of Joan’s favorite food – Thai style, curried noodles with eggplant  and tofu –

Yes, I packed in Tupperware.

And some carrot cake (another favorite of Joan’s) for some nighttime feasting.

The following morning, we took a cross-country route to return to the trailhead and continued to enjoy the high country splendor.

We took some last views of the high country while returning to the truck and called it another successful birthday weekend.

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2 months ago

Happy birthday Joan! Tupperware on a hiking trip equals true love.