Lorpen socks – good quality on a budget

Appropriate socks are key for effective hiking.

The right socks help prevent blisters, fit your feet well, and assist in making hiking a joy and less of a trudge.

My socks of choice tend to be $15+ a pair. And I swear by a good quality sock for extended backpacking.

But the terrain in Utah in particular chews up socks. And that means I spend a lot of money when hiking is a day job for me.

So for “work socks” and day hikes in general, I’ve been pleasantly surprised at the Lorpen wool socks I paid $7 a pair for about a year ago at Sierra Trading Post.

They fit my feet well, have held up to the two or three times a week (at least) abuse, and let me save the more expensive socks for backpacking excursions when cleaning socks is not quite as easy.

The Lorpen socks do not breathe quite as well (I find) as Darn Tough or point6 socks, but at last than half the price, they might be a good option for someone who needs good quality on a budget. Or just need some “beater socks” as with me.

Almost a year later, I would not hesitate to recommend Lorpen socks to others.

Disclosure: I paid for these socks with my funds.

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